I’m not a Kardashian — I just squat a lot.
13 Motivational Fitness Quotes for Your Desktop + iPhone Backgrounds

It’s time for a three-months-into-the-new-year check in. Right around now, you probably fall into one of two categories of people: Those still pumped on that “new year, new you” jazz, or those who are exhausted thinking about trying to make their resolutions a part of their everyday 2016 life. The latter can be especially true if you didn’t go the easy resolutions route and picked a real challenge, like eating healthier and exercising more. But, regardless of any cheating, there’s hope for turning that “What did I get myself into?” view into a “Let’s do this!” attitude that lasts through the next nine months and beyond. My crunch-fearing friend, fear not.
One of the easiest ways to keep up the momentum is to have some helpful fitspo within arm’s reach (aka on your computer or phone screen). The 13 graphics below are totally motivational, downloadable — so you can Pin it, ‘gram it, or print it, and keep your resolution train going — and don’t take themselves too seriously (because being motivated by Taco Tuesday is something we totally feel you on). Whether you’re working out at home, at the gym or getting your run on all over town, let these motivational fitness quotes help pick you up when you’re feeling at your most defeated. Don’t give up! Work it! #getbritfit!