Are you dating the right person?
Who You Should Date Based on Your Myers-Briggs Type

You’ve heard it from your pals about dating before: “They’re great… but they’re just not my type!” Though used as an easy excuse to break up with a partner everyone loves, the popular expression actually holds major literal meaning. Turns out your “type” is so much more than how someone looks, sounds or, well, orders their burrito. To dig deeper into what that means, we talked with Benjamin Ritter, a dating and relationship consultant. He used the popular and respected Myers-Briggs test as an example of true “types,” showing us how different parts of our personality can complement (or deter) a potential S.O. Read on for his advice by type and take the personality test with your special someone to see how you stack up!
Benjamin says, “Artisans are always optimistic, creating or finding fun. They’re interested in pursuing a personal passion and tend to be experts in that particular area.” Said to be a bit untraditional, Artisans should look for partners who appreciate their love of spontaneity. If you’re an Artisan, you’ll also appreciate someone who respects the time you devote to taking care of yourself, following your dreams and adventuring your way through life.
The Guardian
Everything we’ve read tells us that Guardians are the definition of tradition. Ben agrees, saying, “They believe in a sense of duty and justice and follow chivalry to its core.” Additionally, he told us, “Guardians are protectors (as the name implies), and tend to be super loyal in relationships.” Though loyalty is a good thing, Guardians can be jealous and possessive at times. Are you a Guardian? Look for a partner who appreciates your sense of fairness and can have an open convo when the relationship isn’t going as expected. Because you love to plan and lead, you should also choose an S.O. who can roll with your detailed plans and involved role in social circles without resenting you.
The Idealist
Idealists are romantics. Benjamin says, “When Idealists finally find a relationship, they become very dedicated and expect the same from their partner.” Since there’s obviously a huge emotional investment, Idealists can be hurt if their S.O. isn’t equally loyal and committed. Your best bet for a love match is someone who is honest, dedicated and understands how much (and how seriously) you’re willing to give. A date who’s looking for casual fun probably won’t fall in line with the things you crave and value.
The Rational
Rationals are said to be the most practical type of people, which means they’re pretty likely to evaluate a relationship based on its pros and cons before making a decision. Benjamin says, “Rationalists tend to focus on more serious relationships but can be okay with casual flings as long as the rules are defined beforehand. However, once the rules in a relationship are set, they will be loyal, honest and ‘rational’ about everything.” If you’re a Rational, you likely care much less about surface level stuff, can easily control impulses and rarely find yourself jealous. While these are amazing personality traits, Benjamin warns, “Rationals may seem ‘unfeeling’ at times, but it’s just because they are deeply lost in their own thoughts.” Look for someone who understands this about you, but recognizes that you care and feel in other ways. And since you’re so level-headed, seek out someone who avoids drama, emotional outbursts and gossip.
What’s your “type”? Tell us on Twitter @BritandCo!
(Photos via Getty)