You’ve seen ‘em. You’ve stopped in your tracks. And if you’re like us, you totally swooned. They’re the coolest thing to hit green home decor since terrariums—yep, we’re talking hanging planters. And while our Pinterest boards are full of pretty potted options, none of them popped quite the way we want them to—you know for us, color is a make it or break it detail. Our solution: bring on the neon. Using nothing but neon cord and neon straws (you know you have some stashed in that kitchen drawer from soirees of summers past), you can make these modern planters in just 15 minutes. So get ready to give your plants a heavenly hangout in no time!
How to Use Neon Straws and String to Make Easy DIY Hanging Planters

You’ve seen ‘em. You’ve stopped in your tracks. And if you’re like us, you totally swooned. They’re the coolest thing to hit green home decor since terrariums — yep, we’re talking hanging planters. And while our Pinterest boards are full of pretty potted options, none of them popped quite the way we want them to — you know for us, color is a make it or break it detail. Our solution: bring on the neon.
Using nothing but neon cord and neon straws (you know you have some stashed in that kitchen drawer from soirees of summers past), you can make these modern planters in just 15 minutes. So get ready to give your plants a heavenly hangout in no time!
– neon cord
– neon straws
– planters (we used white melamine bowls)
– succulents
– scissors
1. Cut eight pieces of neon cord between 3-5 feet long, depending on how long you want your planters to hang.
2. Tie a knot on one end, leaving excess cord at the top like a tassel.
3. Lay out your rope into four sections (like a cross shape), with two pieces of cord per section.
4. Cut your first set of eight straws to size: cut off the bendy end of the straw, then cut that segment in half — that’s how long each segment should be. Then slide each segment onto each cord, and tie off that section with a knot.
5. Arrange your cord so that it’s once again in a cross shape. For this next part, you’ll be knotting cord together from adjacent segments.
6. Cut your second and third sets of eight straws to size (so 16 total): cut off the bendy end of the straw — that’s how long each segment should be.
7. Add the second set of straws to the cord and tie off adjacent cords — you’ll start to see a star-like shape.
8. Arrange your cord so that it’s once again in a cross shape. Again, you’ll be knotting cord together from adjacent segments.
9. Add the third and final set of straws to the cord and tie off adjacent cords.
10. Repot your plant, slide it into its sling, and hang it on up!
First, cut eight pieces of cord between three and five feet, knot them together and separate them into four sections, each with two strands of cord. You’ll be laying out your cord in this cross-like shape a few more times, so hone in on this visual.
Now, cut your first set of eight straws to size. Since the pot we’re using tapers, we’re making this batch teeny tiny (read: half the length of the bendy part of the straw) so that it acts as a pedestal of sorts. Depending on the size and shape of your pot, you may have to adjust the length. Then, slide the straws onto each cord and tie off each section of two. Easy right?
When you’re done, make sure to lay out your cord in that cross-like shape to prep for the next step, where you’ll be tying adjacent cords together instead of cords from the same section.
Onto the second and third sets of straws! This time, we cut off the bendy part and left that length in tact for all 16 pieces. Use eight for this first round where you’re tying adjacent pieces of cord together—if you’re doing it right, you’ll start to see a star-like shape appear. When that’s done, lay out your cord in the cross shape again and repeat the process, sliding on the straws and tying off adjacent cord segments. This final segment will look like triangle tops, or like you’ve created four pentagons out of the entire planter (oh, how we love our geo shapes!).
And you’re done! Seriously a breeze if you take the time to lay out your cord sections, right? We know, it doesn’t look particularly stunning squished down on this table but trust us: It shines as a sling for our potted succulents.
Those straws and string aren’t the only things getting a makeover in this DIY! Repot your succulent (pack that soil in real good!) and place it inside your hanger (you may need a second set of hands to grab all four sides). Now all that’s left to do is find the perfect spot for this guy to “hang out.”
How ’bout here with his buddies? We all know DIYs look better in threes :)
These planters add a serious pop of color wherever they hang — you get green and neon in one killer piece, how cool is that?
We love the way the straws add contrast—both in color and texture—to these succulent slings. If neon’s not your jam, you could always spray paint straws to match your preferred color palette, or even use metallic tubes to take a super chic approach. Similarly, the cord can be any thickness and any type: Use jute twine for a rustic vibe, or super thick paracord to cradle that mondo succulent you’ve been tending to for years.
Real talk: This might be our new favorite way to display our succulent collection — just in time for spring, too!
Where would you hang these planters? Are hanging planters on your list of spring DIYs to do? What other type of “green” DIYs have you done lately, or have got you itching to begin? Tell us in the comments below.