3 New Books About Women Taking Up (Political) Space
The three new books in this week’s book club couldn’t be more timely or topical. The utterly bizarre tenor of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings and the brave, measured testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford have left many of us shaken, upset, and feeling unheard. Once again, we’ve been mocked, belittled, and told to shrink down, be quiet, and accept what is happening. What’s a woman to do? Well, at the midpoint between blind rage and utter helplessness is precise, focused action. Here’s where these books come in. They’re about women past and present who smashed their way into the political landscape, regardless of whether it was “ladylike” or not. So heads up, ladies. Hold ‘em high. Spread out. Shout. Take all the space you need, and deserve. And take the time to read these memoirs and manuals from women who were sick of the status quo.