It’s everything you need to know about the day that just ended!
Nightly Newsy: Ivanka Trump’s Takedown, Sandra Bland’s Family, + More

Work is done, you’ve finally got some time to yourself. Why not kick back and see what happened in the news today?
1. Ivanka Trump got hardballed in interview about her dad’s maternity policy: In an interview with Cosmo Ivanka Trump answered some hard questions about her father’s parental leave policies and his past remarks about pregnant women in the workplace.
2. After buying the Miss Universe pageant, Donald Trump fat-shamed the reigning beauty queen: Donald Trump bought Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA in 1996 and was displeased when Miss Universe, Alicia Machado of Venezuela, put on 19 pounds (she said she “didn’t eat at all” in the year before winning). He called her “Miss Piggy” and made her exercise in front of journalists.
3. This Jay Z-narrated video about the drug war is a must-watch: Today, the New York Timespublished a video narrated by Beyoncé’s husband that details the history of the drug war and its effects on black Americans. The illustrations are haunting and beautiful.
4. #SayHerName: Sandra Bland’s family won a wrongful death lawsuit: Last July, Sandra Bland was stopped while driving in Waller County, TX, and taken into police custody. She died before getting out on bail and her family has just won a $1.9-million lawsuit as well as promises of some specific reforms in the county, including an around-the-clock on-call nurse.
5 Important Facts You Need to Know About the Death of Tyree King… #tyreeking
— Dejban Law (@dejbanlaw) September 15, 2016
5. Ohio police mistakenly thought an underage black boy had a gun and killed him: On Wednesday, officers in Columbus, Ohio apparently mistook the BB gun on Tyree King, 13, for a real one and shot him. This comes after 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot in Cleveland in 2014 after police said they thought his air gun was a real firearm. Ohio is a concealed carry state.
(Photos by Alex Wong/Getty, Sandy Huffaker/Getty, screencap of New York Times video, Facebook)
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