Our favorite way to celebrate #tbt, #fbf or really any old day we’re feeling extra nostalgic is to queue up a playlist of songs from the past.
This Website Plays the Most Epic #Throwback Playlists Ever

Our favorite way to celebrate #tbt, #fbf or really any old day we’re feeling extra nostalgic is to queue up a playlist of songs from the past. But when you’re an on-the-go gal like most of us here at Brit + Co, it’s hard to break from the bustle to curate a memory-jarring music queue (maybe like one that includes that Aerosmith song you allllmost kissed your prom date to…). But now a brand-new website called the Nostalgia Machine will pull up and pump out those old school jams with the click of a button.
To partake in the audio time travel, all you have to do is choose a year that will help you “get your childhood jam on” and the Nostalgia Machine will compile a page of YouTube videos of the chart toppers from that period. Select 1998 for instance…
… and become instantly reaquainted with the tunes that dominated the A-sides of your mixtapes, from Brandy and Monica’s side eye-filled “The Boy is Mine” to Chumbawamba’s embarrassingly catchy anthem “Tubthumping” to *NSYNC’s first and most knee-wiggling hit “I Want You Back.” Ohh, the baggy pants. Justin’s gelled curls. It’s alllll coming back.
While the super-simple Nostalgia Machine lives up to its name, we love that this website isn’t just an I Love the ‘80s/’90s generator. You can play roulette with smash singles from anytime between 1960 and 2013, so when you’ve got enough rhythm and dancin’ out of La Bouche, you can scroll down to hear what tunes made your mama do the twist when she was a tween. Just don’t expect to stumble upon any new wave, punk or grunge — the Nostalgia Machine only throws full-blown pop dance parties. And we’re totally okay with that.
How fun is the Nostalgia Machine? What year would you click on to turn your computer screen into a throwback thumpin’ boombox? Tell us your favorite oldie in the comments below.
(h/t Gizmodo)