Here are 5 tips that will make sure you’re still the most fashionable mom on the block.
5 Fashion Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Bringing a child into the world and becoming a mother is a life changing experience. Some people think that as soon as the baby arrives, all the clothing rules and restrictions you faced when you were pregnant (empire waist, anyone?) are finally over with. But if you’re among those able to breastfeed and feel like it’s the right fit for your family, you’re going to need to think about what you wear in a whole new way. Here are five tips that will ensure you’re the most fashionable mom on the block.
1. Button-ups are your best friend: Chances are you have a few button-up shirts hanging in your closet. If not, it’s a good time to stock up! Any shirt with buttons is going to make it easy for you to get the job done, especially in the early days when you’re both still trying to figure it out and you need to actually see what you’re doing. If you have to buy up a size to accommodate your new friends, don’t worry. You’ll be able to pair the shirts with leggings and boots after you’re finished nursing. Some of our favorite button-ups of the moment include a plaid flannel shirt ($25), the polka dot blouse ($70) shown above and a simple white silk-blend blouse ($50).
2. Invest in key pieces you can mix and match: It might be tough, but try to resist the urge to buy every nursing top in sight, since you may not be wearing them for that long. Instead, invest in key pieces you can mix and match with other items already in your closet. Plain nursing tanks can be worn on their own, under your favorite sweaters, layered with a scarf or a (baby proof) statement necklace. You already have enough on your hands taking care of a baby, the last thing you need to worry about is putting together a cute outfit. Make it easy on yourself and take a look at your closet before buying anything else. If most of your pieces are bright and colorful, than go for neutrals so it all matches, and vice versa. We’re big fans of the Rosemary tank top ($29), MAMA nursing tanks (2 for $30) shown above and a faux leather striped nursing top ($44).
3. Pay attention to necklines: Feel free to browse more of the store than just the tiny maternity rack in the back corner. Just pay attention to the neckline of any regular shirts you wear when you know you’ll be nursing in public. Anything with a v-neck is great, especially if it’s relaxed fit. Wrap tops allow for easy access while still being something that will always be in style and a closet staple. If a great boat neck dress catches your eye, save it for date night or a baby-free lunch with friends. We found a few necklines that will work for new moms including a knit sweater ($20) and the wrap front blouse ($69) shown above.
4. Accessories, accessories, accessories: A few accessories can change the look and feel of an outfit in an instant. Scarves not only add the finishing touch, they are great for hiding the accidental spit-up or leaks that always seem to happen at the worst times. If nursing in public makes you nervous, buy one like the CoverBoo Couture ($40), that doubles as a nursing cover, but any large scarf will do the same thing. Oversized cardigans ($61), like the one below, will also give you and your little one some added privacy without having to cart around a separate cover. Pair either one with your nursing tanks and you’ll make this whole breastfeeding thing look like a breeze!
5. Have fun! It’s not forever: You’re doing a beautiful and selfless thing for your child, and you should be proud. Not everyone is as lucky. Don’t think of putting together a nursing-friendly outfit as a chore. At the end of the day, fashion is supposed to be fun, and this stage in your life is no exception. It will be over before you know it, and you’ll be back to wearing whatever you want in no time at all. For now, challenge yourself to mix and match patterns and texture. You might surprise yourself! But at the same time, don’t be afraid to repeat an outfit that makes you feel pretty, because confidence is key. And don’t worry, you’re the only one who will remember. Pinky promise.
What are some of your go-to rules for nursing-friendly fashion? Talk to us in the comments!