This winter will seem like it never ends (sound familiar?).
Oh No! “Game of Thrones” Season 7 Has Been Delayed

Hard-core Game of Thrones fans will know that with the spring comes an entirely new season of drama, death, dragons, kicka$$ ladies and ever-changing reigns. With all six previous years scheduling their premiere at the beginning of April (save season three which began on March 31), the seventh season has been delayed. That’s definitely NOT the news that GOT fans want to hear.
“We don’t have an air date yet, but this year it’ll be a little bit later,” the two show runners, David Benioff and Dan Weiss told the UFC Unfiltered podcast.
While fans might think a scheduling mistake or wonky exec decision could be the reason behind the delay, it was instead a choice to better accommodate the story. “We’re starting a bit later because at the end of this season, ‘Winter is here,’ and that means that sunny weather doesn’t really serve our purposes any more. So we kind of pushed everything down the line, so we could get some grim grey weather even in the sunnier places that we shoot.”
Accepting that we’ll have to be patient even longer in order to see the next chapter of one of our fave shows definitely isn’t easy, but if it means the epic series will be able to up their game even more, than it should totally be worth every moment of the wait.
Are you bummed about the GOT delay? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(h/t Hello Giggles; Photos via Game of Thrones)