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Use This Infographic to Find the Best Career for Your Personality Type
By Levo LeagueApr 15, 2015
Levo League
Levo League is a thriving community of young professionals, role models and innovative companies taking Gen Y by storm. Levo, the Latin root of the word “elevate,” encompasses Levo League’s mission: to elevate your career. Join Levo to discover the best job opportunities, master new skills and connect with their growing global network to start accelerating your success now.
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Infographics are fun, especially when they can help you with your career. In this case, Truity Psychometrics, which provides online personality and career assessments, broke down four dimensions of your personality (energy style, thinking style, values style and lifestyle) to help give you a better sense of where you might excel. Take a look!
Does your personality type match your current career? Share your findings with us in the comments below.
This post was originally published on Levo League by Erica Murphy
(Photo via Viktor Hanacek/Picjumbo)
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