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The 15 Cutest Pig-stagram Accounts of 2016

Have you seen the cute pigs hogging the limelight as Instagram’s most famous pet porkers? If not, you need to! On days like this, we have the “hard” job of scrolling through Instagram for the cutest pets to follow. Life is rough. And while there are so many cute dogs with Instagram accounts, we’ve got our focus on these adorable Pigstagram accounts. Scroll through for some major cuteness and get ready for some serious double-tapping.
1. @hamlet_the_piggy: You’ll be California dreaming with Hamlet, a female mini pig from Los Angeles. Her homies call her Hammy, and this cute little piggy loves to play dress up on the daily.
View this post on InstagramIs it just me, or is it already starting to get dark a lot earlier?
A post shared by Esther The Wonder Pig (@estherthewonderpig) on
2. @estherthewonderpig: Esther is a girly pig who thinks she’s one of the dogs. She’s not only verified on Instagram (#Instafamous), but she even has a new book on stands now!
View this post on InstagramHappy MDW to all my little piggies out there! 🐷🇺🇸 #merica #bacon
A post shared by 🐷Bacon and Pancetta🐷 (@bacon_the_piglet) on
3. @bacon_the_piglet: Bacon is a smiling mini-pig who thinks everything looks bigger in Texas. He’s a known heartbreaker and avid cuddler. Just look at that smile!
4. @bitsy_the_mini_pig: If you can’t already tell, Bitsy loves wearing tutus. She also loves rooting, snuggling and working for Cheerios.
View this post on InstagramNap, angle #2. #lilypig #potbellypig #pigsofinstagram #friendsnotfood
A post shared by Lily Pig (@itslilypig) on
5. @itslilypig: Lily is an adorable Vietnamese potbelly piggy. She is only three years old, loves to munch on Cheerios and carrots and enjoys napping. We can’t say we blame her. We love naps!
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Lucy The Pink Mini Pig 🐷 (@lucy_the_pink_mini_pig) on
6. @lucy_the_mini_pig: Meet Lucy, she’s a spunky family pig from the west coast. She loves to eat candy and run around the house. Don’t you wish you had this kind of energy?!
7. @Abigail_the_mini_pig: Abigail is a girl who loves herself some Starbucks! She’s a one-year-old talkative mini pig who enjoys bathing in the sun with her family.
8. @prissy_pig: Priscilla and Poppleton (Prissy and Pop), share this Instagram account. These first-grade pigs are probably the most famous pigs around.
View this post on InstagramMommies home from up north!!!!!
A post shared by Bennett (@bennett_the_pig) on
9. @bennett_the_pig: Meet Bennett, the mini Juliana potbelly pig who loves to smile. He’s a lovable troublemaker who enjoys having fun outside and squealing when he’s excited.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Emotional Support Pig (@lordhamiltonofficial) on
10. @lordhamiltonofficial: Mr. Lord Hamilton believes that one pig can make a difference, and we couldn’t agree more. This emotionally supportive piglet is as cute as he is cuddly.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Winston the Pig (@winston_theminipig) on
11. @winston_theminipig: You should totally follow the wild and fun adventures of Winston. According to his parents, he’s the world’s most loved mini pig.
12. @peaches_the_mini_pig: Peaches is a cool mini-pig. She loves getting her belly rubbed and has an obsession with aviators. #TooCoolForSchool
13. @wilburandalbertthepigs: Say hello to the two rescue piggies, Wilbur and Albert. They were brought up in houses as “micro pigs” but became too big for their owners. Luckily for them, they’ve finally found their forever home. Awww.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Wilbur The Traveling Pig (@wilbur_the_traveling_pig) on
14. @wilbur_the_traveling_pig: Wilbur is a pig who loves to travel the country with his mom and dad. He’s probably the cutest darn pig that ever walked through this garden.
View this post on InstagramThese hooves were made for walkin' 🐷
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15. @paddington_the_pig: Paddington the piglet is a busy piggy. He’s a part-time model and part-time therapy pig TheraPIG. Keep up the good work, Paddington!
What do you think of these pigstagram accounts? Follow us on Pinterest for even more Pigworthy inspirations.