Making pom poms will never be the same.
This Is the Easiest Hack to Make Pom Poms Ever

True story: We once made three DIYers (and one photographer) stop everything and make hundreds of pom poms for a last-minute display. Between the four of us, it took the entire day. Unfortunately, pom poms can be quite the time suck, and until this magical moment, we thought there was no getting around it. But thanks to Pinterest, we’ve discovered a seriously easy way to make these little guys in a fraction of the time. Keep scrolling to check it out!
Materials + Tools
— yarn
— scissors
— large book
1. Wrap yarn around a large book to desired thickness. (We wrapped ours around about 50 times, but the number depends on the thickness of the string and your desired pom pom size.)
2. Carefully take the yarn off the book, then tie double knots around the yarn loop every three inches.
3. Cut through the yarn halfway between each tied-off section.
4. Fluff and trim each pom pom so that they are perfectly circular. And you’re done!
You can use a piece of cardboard instead of a large book — just make sure it’s wide enough to make a large loop of yarn.
Wrap yarn around a large book to desired thickness. We wrapped ours around about 50 times, but the amount depends on the thickness of the string and your desired pom pom size.
Carefully take the yarn off the book, then tie double knots around the yarn loop every three inches.
Cut through the yarn halfway between each tied off section.
Fluff and trim each pom pom so that they are perfectly circular. That’s it!
What are your favorite DIY hacks? Will you be trying this one yourself? Let us know in the comments below!