After 30 years, it’s definitely time for an upgrade.
This New Pregnancy Test Will Revolutionize Your Big Moment

Thirty years ago, the at-home pregnancy test was a huge leap forward in women’s health, but since then, that little stick really hasn’t changed. This old-school design is hardly perfect: The size makes it hard to keep private, it’s messy and once the news has been revealed, it ultimately ends up clogging a landfill. We believe one of the biggest moments in a woman’s life deserves a beginning that’s a little less uncomfortable, which is why we were thrilled to see a company who shared our love for design, the environment andwomen’s health. Say hello to the pregnancy test of the future.
Thanks to a small startup business in Philadelphia, everything we hate about at-home pregnancy tests may be about to change. Lia Diagnostics has designed a pregnancy test made out of paper. It’s foldable and flushable, so this little test is a pro when it comes to keeping your privacy. Plus, it can be packaged and mailed directly to you, preventing a potentially awkward moment at the pharmacy’s checkout counter.
With privacy, sustainability and usability in mind, Bethany Edwards, CEO of Lia Diagnostics, set out to redesign the seriously outdated pregnancy test. Edwards didn’t believe that adding digital technology to the wand-shaped test counted as an upgrade. The two things women dislike most about pregnancy tests are the lack of privacy and the awkward usability. So while environmental friendliness was a key element in the design, Edwards also wanted to cater to what women were asking for. She created a test that was bigger and easier to use.
Now that they have the design nailed down, Lia Diagnostics just needs to name their fabulous product (anybody have any ideas?) and find outside funding. They’re hoping to have them in stores by 2016 or 2017. Judging by the amount of buzz already surrounding the new test, it doesn’t look like they should have a hard time finding investors. We love the simplicity and eco-friendly nature of this pregnancy test, and we hope that it quickly finds the funding it needs to become a reality.
What do you think of this design? Tell us what you think in the comments below!
(h/t Fast Company)