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This Week’s Stories

Keep workin’ on your fitness.

10 Free Printable Workouts to Get Fit Anywhere

10 Free Printable Workouts to Get Fit Anywhere

We’re getting to that point where our barre classes and HIIT sessions are feeling a bit… well, repetitive. Summer’s coming up fast, and we’re ready to take our workouts up a notch, but sans the pricey gym memberships and personal trainers. Thankfully, we dug up these printable workouts that just require a simple download, print and then boom: You’ve got a collection of new routines to grab and go. Bring on the sweat.

1. Butt Lift: First off, Cassie Ho is basically our positive body-image hero. Secondly, this well-organized calendar is a godsend for our derrières and our busy social schedules. (via Blogilates)

2. Total Abs: Anyone would be feeling the burn after following a routine like this one. But that’s what makes it so right. (via DAREBEE)

3. Marathon Training: If you’re really looking to jumpstart your workouts, try training for the “big one” this season. We promise this chart (and these playlists) will make it super-duper easy to log those long miles. (via PopSugar)

4. Killer Abs: These three deadly moves are an easy way to strengthen your core. Watch out, Pilates — we’re coming for you. (via Phitness)

5. Arms + Abs: We love everything from the ladies at Tone It Up, especially this printable workout. It’s perfect for helping us target specific areas, and Katrina gives us major ab #goals. (via Tone It Up)

6. Sexy Legs: Though burpees aren’t necessarily our fave move, this leg workout will keep your stems strong well past summertime. (via Get Fit and Sweat)

7. Lower Body: If you’re a lady on the go, this lower-body plan will be your saving grace for the next month. (via Weight to Maintain)

8. Abs, Thighs + Butts: Three circuits + three muscle groups we love = one killer workout. That’s just good math. (via PopSugar)

9. Arms: Though we love this gym-tastic arm workout, we especially love that this site allows you to design your own step-by-step workout. That’s a solid way to keep you on your feet. (via Workout Labs/What’s That Smell?)

10. Ball Exercises for Your Core: This routine proves you can amp up the intensity of your ab workout with a light pair of weights and a giant exercise ball. (via Fitwirr)

What workout will you try this week? Leave your recommendations in the comments below.