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10 Free Printable Workouts to Get Fit Anywhere
We’re getting to that point where our barre classes and HIIT sessions are feeling a bit… well, repetitive. Summer’s coming up fast, and we’re ready to take our workouts up a notch, but sans the pricey gym memberships and personal trainers. Thankfully, we dug up these printable workouts that just require a simple download, print and then boom: You’ve got a collection of new routines to grab and go. Bring on the sweat.
1. Butt Lift: First off, Cassie Ho is basically our positive body-image hero. Secondly, this well-organized calendar is a godsend for our derrières and our busy social schedules. (via Blogilates)
2. Total Abs: Anyone would be feeling the burn after following a routine like this one. But that’s what makes it so right. (via DAREBEE)
3. Marathon Training: If you’re really looking to jumpstart your workouts, try training for the “big one” this season. We promise this chart (and these playlists) will make it super-duper easy to log those long miles. (via PopSugar)
4. Killer Abs: These three deadly moves are an easy way to strengthen your core. Watch out, Pilates — we’re coming for you. (via Phitness)
5. Arms + Abs: We love everything from the ladies at Tone It Up, especially this printable workout. It’s perfect for helping us target specific areas, and Katrina gives us major ab #goals. (via Tone It Up)
6. Sexy Legs: Though burpees aren’t necessarily our fave move, this leg workout will keep your stems strong well past summertime. (via Get Fit and Sweat)
7. Lower Body: If you’re a lady on the go, this lower-body plan will be your saving grace for the next month. (via Weight to Maintain)
8. Abs, Thighs + Butts: Three circuits + three muscle groups we love = one killer workout. That’s just good math. (via PopSugar)
9. Arms: Though we love this gym-tastic arm workout, we especially love that this site allows you to design your own step-by-step workout. That’s a solid way to keep you on your feet. (via Workout Labs/What’s That Smell?)
10. Ball Exercises for Your Core: This routine proves you can amp up the intensity of your ab workout with a light pair of weights and a giant exercise ball. (via Fitwirr)
What workout will you try this week? Leave your recommendations in the comments below.