Inventor and cat man Marc Smith has a purr-ty cool product up on Quirky: Kitsy, a shredder that makes eco-friendly kitty litter out of newspaper.
How to Make Kitty Litter At Home

Inventor and cat man Marc Smith has a purr-ty cool product up on Quirky: Kitsy, a shredder that makes eco-friendly kitty litter out of newspaper. Kitsy’s origin story is this: Marc was sick of making trips to the pet store. Just like, totally over it. It smells, and there’s always one weird worker who tries to get you to sign up for his dog owner meet-up group, even though you tell him every time that you don’t own a dog, you own a cat.
No, Marc had better things to do than go to the pet store — like reading newspapers. Finding inspiration in his stacks of old papers, he had an epiphany: Cats don’t care what they pee on, so why not make cat litter more eco-friendly by using something you’re going to throw away anyway?!
The way Kitsy works is simple. Step 1: Run your newspapers through the shedder. Step 2: Mix your now-shredded newspaper with water, soap and odor-absorbing baking soda in Kitsy’s detachable colander. Step 3: Let this newspaper mixture dry out in the sun. Step 4: Spread your creation in the litter box and let your cat go to town.
Behold! You now have kitty litter! Uh, we’re in. Kitsy is currently in the manufacturing part of the Quirky process, so follow the product to stay up to date and get notified when you and Whiskers can bring it home!
We’re big Quirky fans around here and Ben Kaufman, the company’s founder and CEO will be speaking at Day One of Re:Make SF about what happens when everyone can take on the role of inventor — register here!
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