How often have you found yourself looking at something totally awesome and wished you could capture it exactly as you see it? You can hold your iPhone super close to your face but there's still no way to get quite what you want. For us, this comes up ALL the time when we're photographing DIY […]
Record Everything You See with These Video Glasses

How often have you found yourself looking at something totally awesome and wished you could capture it exactly as you see it? You can hold your iPhone super close to your face but there's still no way to get quite what you want. For us, this comes up ALL the time when we're photographing DIY projects, recipes, etc. We want to be able to show you exactly what we're doing, and how it looks to be the one actually doing it. Even though Google's Project Glass has tons of crazy interactive potential, we could use something even more basic.
What we need is a pair of video glasses. You know, the kind James Bond rocks on a daily basis. Even Austin Power has a pair of these bad boys. Now, with new and surprisingly accessible technology by Vergence Labs in Palo Alto, we might be able to make our spy dreams a geek chic reality.
Not only do these glasses have the ability to shoot video and pictures, but they can transform from clear glasses to sunglasses in a matter of milliseconds. Simply turn a dial on the side of the frame and go easily from day to night.
But, obviously, the most awesome thing about these is the video capability. You can record audio, video, and capture photographs. The glasses have teeny tiny speakers so you can even project audio if you so choose. They are Wifi enabled so they can connect with your smartphone, computer or tablet, allowing you to share instantly with friends and family via social media. And they charge via USB, just like all your other devices!
Of course, it doesn't end there. These Buddy Holly-esque puppies also track biometrics! Similar to Fuelband or Jawbone UP (but not quite as advanced), they have the potential to track distance traveled, calories burned, etc. Details about what all they'll be able to capture are unclear at the moment, but we're excited to see how this component develops! And because all great things seem to start this way, they're currently looking for funding on Kickstarter. A cool $199 gets you one hot set of video glasses and oodles of geek street cred.
We'll tell you right now, the video below starts off on the overdramatic side but it definitely gives you a well-rounded sense of how the product will actually work. Plus, you gotta love the two adorably nerdy founders.
As you can see from video, Vergence is also offering a second product: a full on Computer Visor that immerses your entire viewing space with your computer's display. We're less excited about these, but they have crazy amounts of potential for a new kind of computer behavior.
What do you think of Vergence's Video Glasses? Would you use them? Do you find them useful or just cool for novelty? Let us know your thoughts below or holler at us over on Twitter.