This is amazing.
You’ll Love the Reason This Store Is Skipping Black Friday

Black Friday, the phrase that makes every retail worker cringe. Sure, it’s cool to find great deals (sometimes via black Friday apps) and this retail day can really help stores beef up their fiscal year but lately this tradition has gotten kinda out of hand. Stores are opening earlier and earlier and some people are ditching out on their fam before turkey is even digested to take advantage of these bonkers sales. This year, however, one big store is ducking out of the whole thing for a pretty inspiring reason.
In a press release, sporting goods co-op, REI announce that they will be shutting their doors the day after Thanksgiving as part of an effort to get customers to enjoy the great outdoors. Instead of having blow-out sales this retailer is urging customers to spend time outside and share their experiences via the hash tag #OptOutside. “Black Friday is the perfect time to remind ourselves of the essential truth that life is richer, more connected and complete when you choose to spend it outside,” says president of REI Jerry Stritzke. “We think that Black Friday has gotten out of hand and so we are choosing to invest in helping people get outside with loved ones this holiday season, over spending it in the aisles.”
It’s also worth noting that REI will be paying its employees to have that day off so they can have their own outdoor adventures. Paid day off instead of slogging through cruddy Black Friday crowds! Hear that? It’s the sobs of of every other retail employee working that day :(
REI may be on the right track to suggest that consumers might be better served ditching the mall and going outside. Research shows that going for a hike can make you happier — maybe getting out to do some camping would be the perfect way to rest before the winter holidays.
And, remember, on the mountain trails you never have to wait in line!
What’s your favorite way to get up get up set the body in motion? Tell us in the comments and start the commotion!
(h/t REI, photos via @rei)