These retinol oils fight the signs of aging while soothing your skin.
5 Gentle Retinol Oils That Work Wonders for Winter Skin
Retinol is like the spinach of your skincare routine — nutritious, fortifying, but not always fun. You know that it’s good for you but not what it does to your complexion in the short term. It’s true that the anti-aging, acne-erasing results that you get from regular retinol use sometimes come with a side of redness, sensitivity, and peeling. We get it — once temperatures drop below 40 degrees, the last thing you want is to dry out your skin even more. This winter, instead of skipping the ingredient altogether, consider switching your usual serum, treatment, or cream for a retinol oil that will give you the same complexion-boosting benefits with an added dose of soothing hydration. Who knows; you might just find yourself using it year-round.