Don’t worry, last-minute gals.
DIY Scarecrow Costume With Pieces from Your Own Closet

Do you ever look at the calendar and question the date? This seems to happen to me about once a month — like seriously, how is it already fall!? I just have to face the facts that time flies by and unfortunately there is no machine or app to stop it. Now, if you find yourself in the same time-warped hole, looking at the calendar wondering, “How is that Halloween party only five days away?" Then this DIY scarecrow costume is perfect for you.
A homemade scarecrow costume is an Halloween's classic!
Can we get a big round of applause for overalls coming back into style :) They are just so cute and easy to wear —bandeau/shirt + overalls and you are done! We purchased these overalls from American Bazi Long Overalls ($33) from Amazon and they are actually super cute! They do run small — so order TWO sizes up. No joke.
Use fabric scraps to hot glue or safety pin onto your overalls. Layer a plaid shirt underneath the overalls, then stuff the pockets with straw and fake leaves to complete the look.
It's really this easy to create this scarecrow costume
For the makeup, we used eyeliner to create sewn lines on the sides of her mouth and a patch on the nose. Use extra blush for bright pink circles on your cheeks and a bright lip just for funsies.
Top off this super easy and comfortable Halloween costume with a straw hat and a black puppy as your crow :)
Are you a last minute kind of gal? What costumes have you made in the hours before Halloween? Show us your DIY scarecrow costume or other creative project by tagging us on Instagram + using the hashtag #iamcreative and join our newsletter for more ideas!