There’s a lot of speculation about what the next trendy superfood will be now that we’ve had *all* of the kale recipes. If you ask us, our bet’s on nutrient-dense seaweed. While we’re not certain just how ubiquitous this unique food may get — we’re into seaweed salads, but the idea of seaweed smoothies? Maybe kale can keep that one… — we do know that it is just as easy to add into your everyday meal game plan as any other green. As in, you don’t have to eat sushi seven days a week to work seaweed into your diet — far from it. Here are 11 recipes that might make you see the sea vegetable in a different, easy-to-eat light so that when seaweed reaches celeb status, you can tell all your friends, “Yeah, I liked seaweed before it was cool.”
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