Shailene shares her wisdom for staying healthy this spring.
Brothing, Paleo + More of Shailene Woodley’s Natural Health Secrets

It’s no secret that Shailene Woodley is one of our favorite superstar naturalists. From her commitment to DIY beauty products, tanning au natural and oil pulling, Shailene is truly the epitome of an earth goddess and quickly becoming a spokesperson for rocking positive body image for all women. We love that she’s willing to try new, natural things and isn’t afraid to share her unique lifestyle with the world — no matter how, well, unique some of it may sound. From bone broth for breakfast to replacing coffee with pushups, here’s a look at the latest round of Woodley wisdom.
1. Bowl of Bone Broth: Both Gwyneth and Shailene have been talking about the amazing health benefits of bone broth. Shailene recently revealed that she’s been into bone broth for a long time: “What I think is beautiful about it is that you’re using the whole animal. You’re not just seeking out that perfect cut of muscle meat.” She even offered her own recipe and says to drink a little in the morning to get the most benefits. (Photo via @Letterman)
2. A Teaspoon of Clay: Shailene also swears by eating a teaspoon of clay every day to help rid the body of toxins and heavy metals. In an interview with David Letterman, she laughed that she’s not eating a “ball of Play-Doh” but instead gets her clay from a company that sources it from Colorado. She eats about a teaspoon each day and also makes her toothpaste from it.
3. The Paleo Diet: During the same late night interview, Shailene talked about how much she loves the Paleo movement. In a sea of extreme diets, Paleo takes a much more balanced view on food and shows that different diets work for different people. But don’t say the word “diet” around Shailene; she hates the word and believes you should choose food that make you feel your best.
4. Skip the Coffee: Previously a huge fan of bulletproof coffee, Shailene actually gave up all coffee while shooting the Insurgent movies. Even though the long hours of shooting were brutal, she decided to pass on caffeine and opted for pushups instead. In an interview with MTV, she said that she was doing over 200 by the end of filming. Anybody want to replace their morning joe with a serious arm workout?
5. Diplomatic PDA: Even though Shailene is the queen of healthy, she still admitted that she is keeping a little more to herself during the Insurgent tour. She is famous for giving out big hugs to cast and fans, but this time she says she hasn’t been doling out the cuddles. “I’ve just been trying to keep my immune system up,” she confessed to Letterman.
What do you guys think? Anyone going to make a cup of bone broth this week? Talk to us in the comments below!
Photos via Valerie Macon/Getty, Pascal Le Segretain/Getty, Jason Merritt/Getty