Are You a Belieber? The Bieb Funds a Ridiculous App Devoted to Sharing Selfies
Sometimes celebrities do awesome things. Some start non-profits to help people in developing countries. Some start companies that are all about going green. And some do exactly what you want and don’t want them to do all at the same time. In a possibly genius move, Justin Bieber has broken into the mobile photo app scene by helping fund Shots of Me, a photo sharing site that is all about one thing: THE SELFIE.
Shots of Me
Sharknado.From a design perspective, Shots of Me does have some interesting features. Your photos bleed to the edge of your screen, with the captions and buttons layered over, similar to how your phone looks when someone calls you. It’s actually pretty sleek.
But, the question we’re all asking ourselves (are we?) is this: How can you be sure that people will only upload selfies? Easy. The app ONLY lets you share photos that you take right then using the front-facing camera. Now, technically you could hold the phone above you or point it in a different direction, but then, why are you using Shots of Me anyway? ;)
The fact that Bieber is involved is actually pretty awesome. He does love himself a selfie!