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8 Signs (& Red Flags) Your Job Is Taking Over Your Life

It might seem like more and more companies are prioritizing work-life balance nowadays, but that doesn't mean employees aren't still consumed by their responsibilities. For some, climbing the corporate ladder and furthering their career is proving to be increasingly demanding amidst the competitive job market; meanwhile, others are worried about the tumultuous economy, and working longer hours helps them feel more financially stable.

While these concerns are all understandable, it's unhealthy to let work creep into every corner of your existence. Here are eight telltale signs that your job is taking over your life.

Scroll to find out the obvious signs your job is taking over your life.

1. You Obsessively Check Your Work Email

woman drinking coffee and checking her email

Sora Shimazaki

Certain people struggle with social media addiction, scrolling for hours on apps like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. Yet, you may find yourself glued to Gmail or Outlook.

Do you constantly refresh your work email to make sure you haven't missed anything? Do you check your email as soon as you wake up in the morning and right before your head hits the pillow at night?

If so, your job is dominating your thoughts, and these obsessive tendencies can lead you to suffer stress and anxiety. Now, you don't have to entirely "unplug," but make sure you're giving yourself space to relax, decompress, and worry about other things that aren't work-related.

2. You Work During Weekends Or Vacations

woman working on her laptop while at the pool

Yan Krukau

Weekends (and vacation time) are common practice for a reason. It's unrealistic to expect anyone to continuously work without a break, and working when you're supposed to be resting can seriously erode your motivation and mental health over time.

Sure, catching up on emails or completing a project with an impending deadline can be fine on weekends from time to time. However, most Saturdays and Sundays should be reserved for "you time," and working when you're supposed to be on vacation is flat-out unacceptable.

3. Your Relationship With Your Significant Other Is Struggling

a couple arguing

Alex Green

When a job starts to take over your life, relationships can really take a hit, especially the one you share with your significant other.

Your partner may grow frustrated if literally all you do is talk about your workday or stress about the outstanding items on your to-do list. Plus, if you're frequently working long hours or are just mentally consumed by your responsibilities, you and your partner won't get to spend enough uninterrupted quality time together.

Sacrificing personal free time is one thing, but if you realize that your romantic relationship is suffering due to the demands of your job, it may be time to reassess your situation. After all, your partner (and you) deserve more.

4. Every Goal You Have Is Career-Related

a woman organizing goals and priorities at work

The Drink

Being career-driven is often viewed as a very valuable and commendable personality trait, yet being too goal-oriented can spiral out of control. This is particularly true if all of your aspirations center solely around your career. This tunnel vision may help you climb the corporate ladder faster, but you're doing your inner self a disservice.

Aside from promotions and salary increases, what other life goals do you have? You might've once dreamed of owning a home, starting a family, traveling more, or delving into a hobby. If these goals have been entirely pushed to the wayside in favor of focusing on just your career, your job is consuming your life.

5. You've Lost Your "Spark"

a woman with her head down on her desk

Andrea Piacquadio

Remember when you were in high school or even college, with wide eyes and big plans for your future? Unfortunately, adulthood has a way of grounding our expectations. Even so, no one turns into a corporate zombie overnight. After landing your job, you might've been over the moon and actually excited about your new position.

Nowadays, do you see that same person in the mirror? Or do you find yourself feeling agitated, unenthused, and trudging through your day-to-day? This is a red flag that you've lost your "spark," the personality that makes you, well, you.

6. Your Home Is A Mess

a woman working in the middle of her messy room

Vlada Karpovich

Some people out there are simply messy by nature. Regardless, that doesn't mean their homes are always complete disasters. With dozens of meetings and an endless amount of tasks on your to-do list each week, it can be hard to keep up with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, and mopping.

It's obviously okay for houses to be "lived in" and not spotless all the time. Still, neglecting maintenance and cleaning of your home is a major sign that your job is taking up way too much of your time. You deserve to dwell in a space that feels clean and cozy, especially if that's what you desire.

7. You Frequently Have To Cancel Plans

a woman texting while working on her laptop

Ivan Samkov

Think back to the last time you actually got to grab drinks with your best friend or enjoy dinner with your parents. Have you become known as "flakey?" Having to cancel plans all the time due to your job isn't just unfair to your loved ones; it's not good for your mental health.

While it's great to have solid or even family-like relationships with your coworkers, they shouldn't be who you see every waking hour of the day. Everyone needs relationships outside of work, and by constantly canceling on your loved ones, you're just isolating yourself and letting your job take over your personal life.

8. You Suffer From The "Sunday Scaries"

a woman stressed out on the couch

Antoni Shkraba

Finally, no one really likes Mondays. But that doesn't mean your Sundays should be filled with anxiety over them. Think about it: you only get two days off each week. If you constantly get the "Sunday Scaries," half of your weekend has been wasted on work stress.

Getting out of the house, disconnecting from your devices, and even meditation can be helpful in curbing this common problem. Nevertheless, if none of that works, it's usually a red flag that your job is impeding your life and negatively impacting your mental health.

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