After 26 years of being buried in a design studio in Russia, a Simpsons branded wine has been uncovered. (Comedic animation fans everywhere go wild!) Not only that, but the labels for the bottles were designed as an ode to la Piet Mondrian. (Modern art fans everywhere go wild!)
Homer Simpson + Piet Mondrian = WINE?!?!? Yup.

After 26 years of being buried in a design studio in Russia, a Simpsons branded wine has been uncovered. (Comedic animation fans everywhere go wild!) Not only that, but the labels for the bottles were designed as an ode to Piet Mondrian. (Modern art fans everywhere go wild!)
While this might sound like the biggest mishmash of elements in the universe (we agree, it is), we can’t help but lift our glass to it. The his and hers bottles are dressed in the same “we wear these outfits everyday” looks of Marge and Homie.
The project was created by Russian designers Constantin Bolimond and Dmitry Patsukevich and is called “Wine, or maybe not?” Meaning there might be Duff Beer in those beautiful bottles??? Only the superfan designing duo know. They created the bottles and its contents the very year that The Simpsons debuted — in 1987. Yup, they were fans even before we were all doing The Bart Man. (Don’t act like you didn’t own The Simpsons album.)
Now we’re not sure what the wine tastes like… or if it really is even wine in there. The label raises lots of questions, especially the phrase “their portions differ from time to time,” which leads us to believe that some bottles are empty. Psych, suckas!
Whatever’s inside, the bottles are pretty, and you can even (not really) leave your comments on a fictitious website, www.homer& Sorry about the misspelling, Marge. Doh!
As superfans of the show know, Mr. Matt Groening is an overprotective parents (Hey, Flanders) when it comes to his characters, so let’s see how long this goes on, if it becomes sellable or if it’s just a one-time concept that resurfaces after 26 years, enjoys a week of fame and then just disappears into animation history.
The only thing that is certain is that if you showed up to a dinner party with one of these lookers, you’d obviously be the instant guest of honor.
What other Simpsons characters would you like to see as Mondrian-esque bottles? Let us know in the comments below!
(h/t The Drinks Business and PSFK)