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Your Horoscope Is Here To Help You Navigate The Solar Eclipse 2023 In Libra This Week
Lumi Pelinku is an Intuitive Astrologer, Beauty Expert, and Holistic Life Coach based in New York City. Renowned for her transformative approach, Lumi integrates astrology, spiritual practices, and self-love coaching to empower individuals to achieve profound inner healing and alignment.
Lumi’s expertise extends far beyond one-on-one sessions. She serves as a resident astrologer for Brit+Co and contributes celebrity astrology insights and predictions to leading publications like PopSugar and Bustle. Her work has also been featured in DailyOM, Seventeen, Mind Body Green, Paper Magazine, Well+Good, Brides, Observer, and more. With her unique blend of intuition, astrology, and empowerment coaching, Lumi helps clients and readers alike embrace their highest potential and shine authentically in every aspect of life.
There is swiftness in the air — do you feel it? As eclipse season creeps in, we're entering a pivotal moment in our journey. Observe the state of your life and all that you've built so far. Contemplate what's bearing the most weight in your experience. This upcoming 2023 solar eclipse in Libra will be potent, interweaving the importance of finding peace and serenity within ourselves and requiring us to let go. It will all ultimately help you find the solution to experiencing freedom while attracting your desires. To better understand these astrological impacts, here's what a solar eclipse actually is, how it creates the necessary shifts, and what you can expect for your sign.
What is a solar eclipse?
Astronomically, solar eclipses are moments when the sun and the moon are completely aligned. The moon graces the space between the sun and Earth, casting a shadow from our viewpoint by partially or fully blocking the Sun’s light. This occurrence happens only twice a year as the moon doesn’t orbit in exact alignment as the sun and Earth do — but when all three celestial bodies line up in this exact formation, it results in a solar eclipse.
Esoterically, the moon cradles the sun in complete darkness and creates this space for us to look within and initiate changes. Solar eclipses can make us feel void-like, spacey, and untethered. When you feel this way, it is time to step back, reestablish a strengthened link to self, and refocus on priorities. Solar eclipses are essential in creating movement and attracting changes in our lives. The eclipse energy is often felt in the days leading to the event, and its impact lasts six months. Remember that you don’t have to switch gears and change your life when the solar eclipse happens, but you'll likely see and experience things differently in the next several months.
What does the solar eclipse in Libra mean?
This solar eclipse in Libra will be powered up on October 14 at 1:54 p.m. EST. Solar eclipses only happen during a new moon phase, so it's not an ideal time to plant a seed of intention or start your manifestation ritual. Solar eclipses help you dissect where you are and assess what you truly want to attract in the next few months, and your thoughts or memories can play out strongly, leading you to make impulsive decisions based on unhealed emotions.
This cosmic event will be special because it involves our relationship dealings and, once and for all, attracting serenity. The solar eclipse happening in the sign of Libra will stir up this need for harmony and negotiation. It will also interweave the importance of finding peace and serenity within ourselves. It all begins by releasing a part of our persona or situation that barricades us from stepping into our soul’s fulfillment and joy.
As a part of this solar eclipse event, the south node (AKA the karmic point of destiny) will excavate the underlying cause of our relationship disharmony. It can stem back to a part of your love story that was left unresolved or a situation that was not remedied. To go even deeper, it will stir up memories that go as far back as 2015, helping you recollect all the lessons learned involving matters of the heart. This can be your past commitment involving your relationship or a passion project. It can also help you understand where you stand in love and know what will fulfill you.
Venus will lead this solar eclipse story as the love planet rules Libra. With Venus in the sign of Virgo, there will be purity and clearance by its influence. Venus will help you find a path to restoring faith in love by focusing on pureness instead of opulence. Aiming to serve one another and holding space to heal the past will open doors of potential in your love to grow. This requires letting go of the cosmic baggage and rebuilding your love or parting ways. Remember that you will attract your desires as you learn to let go and remain true in your next steps.
The solar eclipse in Libra will ignite the changes in the cardinal signs, Libra, Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer. You will experience solar eclipse shifts if planetary placements are within 21 degrees of the cardinal signs. Read on for your sun, moon, and rising for additional insight!
Horoscopes For The Solar Eclipse 2023 In Libra
Image via B+C
Prepare for changes in the relationship realm. With the solar eclipse in the seventh house of partnerships, you may ascend your relationship to commitment or part ways. This can also be a powerful moment for joint business ventures. Negotiate your terms and stand your ground. It’s time to refocus on your priorities and initiate changes for better partnership opportunities.
Expect to feel the shifts in your daily routines. The sixth house of the mind, body, and spirit will be in effect, and your connection to life must be refined and researched. Analyze the state of your surroundings and assess if you are living on autopilot or with meaning. If you have plateaued with your health and wellness goals in the past, this solar eclipse will attract your desired results. Visualize success.
The fifth house of true love, children, and creativity, will be in effect. Get ready to level up your love life and creative pursuits, as the solar eclipse will power up your motivations in alignment with your heart. Let go of the past that no longer serves your highest good in your journey. You are ready to experience a higher form of love leading to commitment and renewal. This is also a fertile time to expand your family or pursue a creative endeavor.
Home, family, and emotional security will take a primary spot in your list of priorities, as the solar eclipse in the fourth house will stir some changes. Observe what home means before moving or renovating. It can be an emotionally charged time as you may cling to the memories of your cherished past. Build your security by openly expressing your vulnerability with those who value your presence.
The third house of the mind, skills, and immediate surroundings will be in effect during the solar eclipse. A new seed of intention will be planted regarding your ideas, but it may not be what you think. An old skillset or idea you once held on to so tightly may not interest you anymore and will be released. Become open-minded and take on a new endeavor that stirs endless creativity. Take a class or join a group. This will lead to something brilliant in the end.
It is time to take charge of your finances and power up your self-esteem. As the solar eclipse paves into your second house, you can expect opportunities to increase wealth. Learning to budget accordingly and develop a positive relationship with money will boost your confidence. Pursuing long-term investments such as real estate ventures or utilizing your untapped talents can lead to streams of abundance.
The world is your oyster these next six months as the first house of self will be activated. As your old self is ready to evolve, connect with your soul and use your intuition as the barometer for your decisions. Your life will change but expect it to by you instating your standards. You are ready to take center stage and show your true colors to the world. Who do you want to be? You will figure this out by the next total solar eclipse in April 2024. This is your moment to reflect on your motivation and express yourself. Completely unfiltered.
It is time to unearth your true self. With the twelfth house of spirit realms, secrets, and psyche in effect during this solar eclipse, you are ready to face your fears. Surround yourself with people who create a safe space to express your vulnerabilities. Connecting with your higher self or starting a spiritual practice will be your anchor. You will see yourself in a new way, and your path will be illuminated as you realize that the Universe will provide all you project from within.
Expect amazing connections as you will be a powerhouse ready to be received by society. Assess your social circles and observe those truly aligned with your vision. The solar eclipse will ignite the eleventh house of networks, friends, and aspirations over these next six months – leading to unwavering support from those who share your passions. Build a community or recover your aspiration that will be supported in a group environment – this venture will lead to an overflow of abundant opportunities.
It’s time to review your standing in the career realm as there will be a pull for you to take ownership in how things are running professionally. Do you feel a calling to switch gears and pursue your passions? Hone in your perception of authority and the possibility of you taking charge of your career direction. As you become comfortable in this possible path, you will emerge even more successful than you originally envisioned.
Something incredible is about to emerge – all it takes is having faith in yourself. The solar eclipse illuminating the ninth house of belief systems, higher learning, and traveling will propel you to make bold moves in the next six months. There is infinite brilliance ready to be birthed into existence, and a single step will help you find the confidence. Step out of the box and expand your horizons. Becoming aligned with your intuition instead of what makes sense to others will lead you to the results you want. Make it happen.
The eighth house of sex, other resources, and death will be your filter in the next several months. Your private life will need tending as it will shed light on the unresolved issues barricading you from truthfully expressing yourself – in and out of the bedroom. There is a part of you that must shed to attract your desires. This may be learning to detach from the material realms of security and how to converge with deepening the connection to life by embracing your vulnerable self.
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