We did it, guys.
Morning Buzz! You’ll Want to Hear Melissa McCarthy’s Official Gilmore Girls Announcement + More

2. Even if you haven’t been closely tuned to American Idol over the past few seasons, knowing it’s over feels so sad. Like a bit of pop culture will be missing. And what will Ryan Seacrest do for work now? (Lol jk.) Of course, the queen of the show herself, Kelly Clarkson, made an appearance earlier in the season but was way too pregnant to be on hand for the finale (like, seriously, we wouldn’t be surprised if she gave birth WHILE this clip was airing). But she pre-taped a medley of her greatest hits, and it was a highlight in an already amazing finale. She closed the whole thing with her Idol classic “A Moment Like This,” and we were definitely 100 percent not crying, no way. Clarkson was at home watching, hilariously tweeting “Who’s that sweaty, pregnant girl singing?? ….oh snap that’s me hahaha!! #ohwell.” And if you thought watching the finale of a series that’s been in your life for a long, long time felt weird for you, think of how it felt for her! “I can’t believe I’m sitting here with my little girl about to watch the end! How crazy is life?!” Indeed, Kelly. Godspeed, Idol!
3. Britney Spears loves Ryan Gosling memes, is all of us. Yesterday Brit posted a classic “Hey girl” meme to her Insta, and if you weren’t already in love with the pop queen’s magical account, this should do it for you. Simply captioned with the cry-laughing emojis, we can’t figure out if this is supposed to be exercise inspiration for Britney, or if “keep running” is some way deeper life motivational thing. With Britney, neither would surprise us. (via @britneyspears)
4. There is now an agency for influencer dogs on Instagram. Animals being represented by agents is certainly nothing new — how else do you think Ross’ monkey Marcel from Friends gets work? — but an agency to help pets earn money off of their social media accounts is truly a sign of our times. The Dog Agency, founded by Loni Edwards, started because her own adorable dog Chloe started getting a huge Instagram following. “I’ve been managing her for the past two and a half years and meeting the players in the space, from the other celebrity dogs, to the brands that are interested in working with them, to the media outlets who are interested in partnering with them to create content,” she tells Broadly. “Based on everything I had learned in the past two in a half years, I figured I could do a really good job of making sense of it and started the dog agency to do that.” Instagram and cute dogs? Sounds like a dream job. (h/t Broadly, photo via @chloetheminifrenchie)
「今日は何も出来んね〜」 pic.twitter.com/BSRBNsVRa3— 長崎バイオパーク公式 (@ngsbiopark) April 7, 2016
5. Let this huge group of capybaras at Japan’s Nagasaki Bio Park taking shelter from the rain inspire us all. TGIF!
6. Quote of the day: “I can’t think of a gay woman that’s on the pop charts. And [the label] were like, ‘Well why can’t that be you?'” — Tegan and Sara speak to Buzzfeed about their amazing career before the release of their new album.
(Featured image via Mike Coppola/Getty)