Don’t forget these down and dirty spots.
10 Places You Wouldn’t Think To Clean This Spring

It's time to bust out your cleaning supplies, clear a Saturday, and create the ultimate playlist for your day of purging. While there's a list or printable for every room in your home, there's always a few places that get left out (you know, the ones where dirt goes to hide, and where the dust bunnies make their nest). But don't worry: We've got your back. Here are 10 under-the-radar problem areas to really complete your spring cleaning.
1. Inside Your Entryway Closet: You'd think all the snow and rain would wash away the dirt, but it all somehow found its way to the back of your closet. You'll be stirring up dust clouds all summer unless you sweep and mop it.
2. Inside Your Sideboard or Bar Cart: Over the holidays, you probably had a lot of movie and wine nights, which means your sideboard and bar cart got a lot of action. Crumbs, dirty napkins, corks, and food picks are the last thing you want to find next Halloween, so take some time to clear them out and reset.
3. Inside Your Tool Cabinet or Bag: Working on projects that send the sawdust flying? Great, but when was the last time you vacuumed out the toolbox sitting right next to your workspace? Set yourself up for success with this spring's list of DIYs by restoring order to your tools.
4. Your Crafting Room Containers: The same goes for your crafting supply storage. Loose glitter, paper scraps, and crusty glue won't do you any favors when it comes time to create your warm-weather masterpieces.
5. All Your Decorative Pillows and Throws: Pop them in the wash or take them to the dry cleaners (the label will tell you what's needed). Freshening up these cozy accents will give your whole place a lift.
6. The Blades of Your Ceiling Fans: The first hot day of the year won't be a cause for celebration if it starts raining clumps of dust on your room (and your head).
7. Fridge Drawers: Show those gorgeous farmers' market finds some love and give them a clean place to stay.
8. Behind the Headboard: Everyone looks under the bed; no one looks behind the headboard! There are just as many lost hair elastics and earrings back there, trust.
9. Inside Luggage and Suitcases: While long weekends with your girls might have to wait a little longer, it's never too early to be prepared. Oil the leather and clean out the pockets — who knows what you'll find inside.
10. Pet Toys and Bedding: All that winter fur is slowly falling away, and everything could use a good clean. It's time to toss your dog's toys in the washing machine and launder the cat bed.
Dreading the clean — or so excited? Tell us about on Twitter @BritandCo!
(Photo by JESHOOTS.COM/Unsplash)