Here Is the Trick to Getting Your Hands on a PSL Early, As in TODAY!

This is it, y’all! The moment we’ve been waiting for! PSL season has arrived early! Well, for those that want to play a super easy game, that is.
How do you get said pass? Well, @TheRealPSL was kind enough to give all the PSL-obsessed peeps the deets.
This is literally all you have to do to get your hands wrapped around a warm PSL TODAY. Visit the PSL Fan Pass Website, input the required secret password (spoiler alert it’s pumpkin), enter your phone number and that PSL Fan Pass will be sent to your phone immediately. Then run, don’t walk, to your closest Starbucks and present that all-access PSL pass to the barista to end the PSL drought you’ve been going through since the beginning of winter 2014.
What are you waiting for?! Go start PSL season ASAP!
Will you be grabbing a pre-Labor Day PSL today? Let us know in the comments.
(Photos via Starbucks)