10 Beautifully Bizzare Instagram Accounts
We don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Instagram is sparking photographers’ imaginations like crazy. What started off as a place to just post selfies and pics of your lunch (#sorrynotsorry) is now a platform of amazing art… if you know where to look. Our latest IG kick is surreal Insta photography, and we’ve found the best of the best. These 10 accounts are sure to give you an occasional escape from reality (and all those selfies).
1. @nois7: Robert Jahns edits together photos of his own and many from fellow Instagrammers to create dreamlike images that you’ll fall in love with. You’ll also be insanely jealous of his editing chops.
2. @brockdavis: Artist Brock Davis makes miraculous images from minimal props. In his Insta world, a cherry is a bomb and a tree can hula hoop. We seriously can’t get enough of his innovative takes on everyday objects that make us rethink the mundane.
3. @rachelryle: Rachel Ryle has mastered Instagram videos in a really interesting, unique way. She draws fun stuff, makes it move and then picks up a piece of the drawing and interacts with it. You can catch her skills both in her Instagram videos and on her YouTube channel. Trust us, her art is a must-see.
4. @christinehmcconnell: How much do we love Christine McConnell? Let us count the ways. She makes clothes that any vintage lover would die for. She photographs surreal scenes that are oh-so clever. She makes desserts that look like monsters. We’d be shocked if those three features don’t sound intriguing to ya.
5. @muradosmann: Murad Osmann‘s feed is an ongoing art project he calls Follow Me To. In almost every photo, you see his hand reaching from behind the camera, holding his fiancé‘s as she guides him through scenic places around the world. It’s like watching a love story unfold!
6. @brandonwerth: This awesome photographer sees real potential in the skies. Collaging and coloring them, he turns clouds and treetops into a portal to another world. Be sure not to skip the captions on his posts. Insightful stuff.
7. @misvincent: Sometimes called the Southern Surrealist, Melissa Vincent makes beautiful masterpieces of Mississippi landscapes. Perhaps one of the most boggling parts of her process is that her photos are edited completely on the iPhone… including this one of a tree under the ocean. Whoa!
8. @officialillusions: The pictures on this Insta feed may not be what they seem. You can look forward to visual mind games like a Penrose Triangle made of Legos and other images that’ll definitely make you do a double take.
9. @dailydoodlegram: Illustrator Refaeli Geffen is nothing if not reliable. She’s been posting a doodle a day since May 2012! And trust us, they get better and better. Sometimes quirky, sometimes dark, always clever, her illustrations bring reality to its absolute limits.
10. @lellopepper: All-around rad artist Elise Mesner creates images that we’ve literally only dreamed about. She’s got a killer eye for statement fashion, neon and did we mention prints?! You’ll want to start following this lady right away.
What Instagram feed do you look at for an escape? Let us know below!