A new year means it’s high time for a new way of working. We’re always on the hunt for new ways to de-clutter our desks. In fact, we tend to believe that a well-organized workspace tends to be a more creative and productive one. That’s why we were pumped when the folks at Bluelounge asked us if they could help give Brit HQ a mini makeover, specifically related to our desks.
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Armed with cord organizers, pocket chargers and a handful of laptop feet, check out our favorite seven techie tools for optimizing our workspace. You can find all of these goodies at your local Target or on Target.com — and you know we love us some Target! :)
1. Kii ($39.99): This itty bitty charger fits right on your keychain, for real. It makes it easy for you to plug in to charge or sync devices from any laptop computer without carrying around a full on charger. I’ve personally been using this for months and swear by it!
2. CableClip ($9.99): We’ve all been there. A piece of tape or a rubber band will do just fine to our cables in order. Reality check — it’s not working. This simple clip keeps all sizes of cables tidy and untangled. It’s also a great way to organize and stow away extra cables you don’t use on a daily basis. It’s totally the new Chip Clip ;)
3. Casa ($14.99): Doesn’t your iPhone or iPad want a place to call home… on your desk? The answer is yes. For the iPad, Casa can hold things together horizontally or vertically, and the little cubby makes it easy to store cables, headphones and the like. It’s a compact unobtrusive item that will keep everything you need at the ready, when you need it.
4. CableBox Mini ($29.99): And now, the MOTHER of all cable management solutions. Whether you’ve got a cobweb of cables under or on your desk, next to your computer, under your nightstand or behind the TV, we’re guessing those cables have seen better days. CableBox is about to be your new best friend. It comes with a 4-socket surge protector right in the box so just plug everything in and stow that ‘ish away! So easy.
5. Cool Feet ($12.99): Got a laptop that seems to be packing heat? Then you probably need a pack of Cool Feet. And yes, I’m a poet and you didn’t even know it.
6. CableDrop + CableDrop Mini ($9.99): These little doodads are made to help you get your cables to go where you want them to. No chargers coming unplugged at random, no having to use a paperweight to get your USB cord to stay in the right place. Go for the CableDrop to handle thicker cables like power cords, or go for the Mini to corral smaller cables and connectors. Simply [Cable]Drop it like it’s hot ;)
7. Rolio ($9.99): No one likes throwing their phone on the ground when they need to charge it, but we’ve all been there. This little gizmo transforms your Apple Lightning charger cable into a super portable wall dock. Done and done.
And just like that, we are all WAY more organized!