You know what Fridays are for? Eye candy. Animated eye candy, at best. That’s why we’re kicking off a brand new series devoted to the art of the animated GIF. From beautiful to hilarious to totally weird, think of this as the BritList of GIFs, a weekly offering of moving images that will definitely make you look. They might even make you bust a move. To kick things off, here’s a smattering of art, nostalgia and, of course, dancing to get the T.GIF party started. Thank GIF it’s Friday, yo!
T.GIF: A New Weekly Series Dedicated to GIFs That Rule

You know what Fridays are for? Eye candy. Animated eye candy, at best. That’s why we’re kicking off a brand new series devoted to the art of the animated GIF. From beautiful to hilarious to totally weird, think of this as the BritList of GIFs, a weekly offering of moving images that will definitely make you look. They might even make you bust a move. To kick things off, here’s a smattering of art, nostalgia and, of course, dancing to get the T.GIF party started. Thank GIF it’s Friday, yo!
Balloons, Planters and Ladies
On Wednesdays, We Wear Pizza
3. Little Miss Sunshine: Pure happiness.
Time in Motion by Fong Qi Wei
Gisele’s Guide to Being a Serious Rock Star
7. Dancing Scenes from the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air: You know we love a little Fresh Prince action, and the Carlton always brings us back.
Grace Sketches
Wolf of Wall Street Wedding Dance
Paula Deen Butter
12. Full House #Haters: Don’t do it… dude ;)
Animated Artwork by Rebecca Mock
15. James Van Der Beek Dancing: Pure awkwardness or pure genius? You decide.