The BritList: A Mixtape-to-iPhone Converter, Inbox Pause & More
This week we released an app, continued to obsess over polka dots (in glassware form), and went back to school, virtually. Along the way, we stumbled upon these 10 bits of creativity, delight, and straight up silliness. Hope you enjoy this week’s BritList.
1. Tea That’s Like Wine: No, this tea is not alcoholic but it does mimic certain flavors found in wine that complement classic teas. We’re all about the Green Tea Sauvignon and the Rooibos Noir.
Cassette to iPod Converter
Wait, it looks like a walkman and it converts audio tape cassettes into MP3 files and stores them directly on your iPhone? AMAZING! You knew you were saving all those angsty mixtapes for a reason. ($80)3. Inbox Pause: Ever wish you could just concentrate for 5 minutes without hearing a new message alert, getting a pop-up on your screen, or obsessing over making sure your inbox doesn’t have a bold number in parentheses next to it? Us too. Inbox Pause allows you to press pause on your inbox for as long as you like. If you’re heading to dinner, pause. If you’re in the middle of a serious writing project, pause. Anytime you just need a break from the constant stream of communication, press pause.
AK’s Guide to Suits
Earlier this week we showed you 10 different ways to rock 1 pair of jeans. But what about suits? We love this illustration on all of the intricacies of men’s suits, and will definitely keep it on hand for our next men’s style shoot.5. 3D Printed Toy Records: Remember that awesome Fisher Price record player you had when you were little? It came in a nifty little carrying case and had the coolest plastic records along. Well, Fred27 over at Instructables has figured out something awesome. With the power of 3D printing, you can create brand new records for this classic toy music player. Awesome!
6. Record Scratch Nail Buff: Speaking of spinning records, why not use a miniature replica of one to buff your nails?
7. Tili Bags: With tons of travel on the calendar for the team here at Brit HQ, we’re always on the lookout for totes, pushes, and kits that make travel a bit easier. These bags are colorful, reusable, super easy to wash, and fit just about anywhere.
8. Poketo’s Wake-Up Collection: Not an official collection per se, we’re kind of in love with Poketo’s homepage this week. Waking up with geometric paper gems hanging above you to an adorable bird alarm sounds just perfect for back to school season.
9. Pier 1 Training Video: The key to a sale is to make a connection, why not start with a humorous question?
10. The Brit + Co. App: It’s true. Our own app is one of our favorite finds this week! It makes the mobile experience so much more beautiful.