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Whoever gets Mr. Napkinhead wins!

Here's Which Character From 'The Holiday' You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

the holiday characters by zodiac sign
Sony Pictures
Give me a Nancy Meyers movie at Christmas with very intricately and intentionally designed sets, and I am oh-so in! From Jude Law in his very attractive glasses to Cameron Diaz chugging red wine in the grocery store, there's so much to love about The Holiday. This cozy Christmas classic is a favorite rewatch for so many — but have you ever wondered which character you're the most like? According to the stars, there's a character from The Holidayfor everyone! Here's yours. 😉

Scroll down to see which The Holidaycharacter you are, according to your zodiac sign!

Maggie in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Aries (March 21 – April 20): Maggie

Maggie is one of the most ambitious characters in this movie. While she may be the villain in Miles' story, she just may put that drive to good use instead of taking advantage of her partner's industry connections and incredible kindness. I'd like to believe that after their breakup, she takes a long, hard look in the mirror and pursues her passions without throwing anyone else under the bus. Because, Aries, at your core you are one of the most determined people out there who can truly use your power to achieve anything you put your mind to. Just let Maggie be a warning: if you let that fervor go too far, it could get the best of you — and hurt those around you.

Arthur in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Taurus (April 21 – May 21): Arthur

Who else would live in the same house for 47 years, but a Taurus? His eclectic house is full of charm and quirks and stories alike, leaving Iris to wonder who this wild, witty man really is that lives next door. And while Arthur has one of the most impressive lives and careers out of anyone in this movie, he's humble enough to bury the lede and let his life speak for itself. Achievements aren't what matter most to Arthur — the people and the world around him. However, don't be fooled: this man is stubborn as a bull, actively avoiding his mail because he doesn't wanna give the industry what they want from him. While that's not inherently bad, he almost let that stubborn streak keep him from one of the happiest nights of his life.

Jasper in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Gemini (May 22 – June 21): Jasper

I will say this until the cows come home (whatever that means): Geminis are not inherently two-faced or bad! They really aren't! However, their inherent duality can allow for some questionable choices when it goes unchecked — especially if said Gemini is particularly selfish á la Jasper. Instead of using his duality to enrich his inner life, Jasper uses it to live one life with Iris and one with his fiancée. He may be a brilliant writer — and Geminis I know you're incredibly intelligent — but it'll always be overshadowed by this two-sided take he has on life. Fingers crossed he eventually figured out how to put all of himself into what matters: his family (that he literally chose).

Mr. Napkinhead in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Cancer (June 22 – July 22): Mr. Napkinhead

Mr. Napkinhead may not be an actual character, but nothing is more sentimental than a napkin-faced, widowed father doing a beloved bit for his daughters. There's an innate level of empathy in Mr. Napkinhead that radiates Cancer behavior — it's a sense of caring so much for everyone else that you're willing to do whatever song and dance brings others joy. Protect yourself though, Cancer. This kind, caring nature can be incredibly draining if you're always putting on for everyone else and not saving enough energy for yourself. Instead of wearing yourself as thin as a napkin (see what I did there?), give your loving gifts thoughtfully and intentionally.

Amanda in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Leo (July 23 – August 22): Amanda

Who has more main character energy than Amanda? I mean, she literally sees herself as a main character in her own imaginary trailer of her life! She may do work behind the scenes when it comes to movies, but that doesn't make her any less of a drama queen. Much like you, Leo, Amanda's able to use her big dreams and big drive to build the beautiful life she wants — however, her desire for the picture perfect lifestyle can get in her way too. Thankfully, she doesn't let it totally take her down (I really thought we lost our high heel loving girl boss after that breakup), instead channeling her energy into doing it for the plot and meeting her soulmate. The most extreme of extreme Leo behavior, TBH.

Bristol in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Virgo (August 23 – September 21): Bristol

If Amanda is the queen of main character, type A behavior, imagine the organization it requires to be her personal assistant. Bristol is all that and then some, making sure Amanda's life is queued up to a tee — even when it's seemingly falling apart. While we don't get too much Bristol in this Nancy Meyers masterpiece, I just know this Virgo queen has a spotless home, a color-coded to-do list, and high standards for her partner. You don't rock a ponytail like that and live otherwise.

Iris in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Libra (September 22 – October 22): Iris

Iris wants the most beautiful, love-filled life — which is so totally Libra it hurts. Her other incredibly Libra trait? Pining over who she can't have (I'm looking at you, Jasper). There's just something about an unrequited love that hits Libras right where it hurts...but they can't help leaning in! It's the dramatic, daydreamer in them. And while Jasper can't truly see Iris for the wonderful woman she is, that doesn't stop her warm, caring nature from shining anyway. Iris makes friends everywhere she goes, eventually charming Miles into giving her the ultimate happy ending she's been waiting for. (Oh, & her style is incredibly her own, from her quirky wardrobe to her eccentric and intricately decorated English cottage — Libra to the max)

Ethan in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21): Ethan

Scorpios, please know I am not coming for you with this. I continue to evangelize the idea that Scorpios and Geminis are incredibly misunderstood — however, it's really easy for their worst traits to show up in stereotypical movie villain ways. Ethan is a really good example of this, proving that your guarded nature can really catch up to you if you don't keep an eye on it, Scorpio. Instead of letting Amanda in and being honest with her about what's not working in their relationship, he resorts to putting up a wall, bottling it all up, and cheating on her. My advice to Ethan in the future? Let that soft, water sign center shine! You have feelings, and when they're feeling hurt or neglected, TELL someone. You deserve to be heard too!

Miles in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21): Miles

Miles is the epitome of a Sagittarius. He's got a great sense of humor, he's very comfortable with people quickly, he's silly and fun — the kind of friend you always wanna have at your party. It's great because Miles really doesn't care what anyone else thinks, so he's ready to sing a song in the middle of a Blockbuster or sweetly whisk an eyelash out of your eye at a moments notice. He literally says he wants to to celebrate "being young and being alive" — basically the entire ethos of being a Sagittarius. 'Nuff said.

Graham in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19): Graham

Oh Graham, you beautiful Capricorn. Where do I even begin? This man cares about seeming "respectable" from the start, ultimately proving that he's put together a carefully curated life for himself, while still allowing himself to let loose and have fun when the time (AKA the pub) calls for it. This earth sign reads parenting books before bed, has an editor's attention to detail (literally), and is extremely confident. However, he compartmentalizes his life — and that could keep him from letting his worlds beautifully bleed together. Luckily, a certain Leo waltzed into his life, and balanced out his very grounded approach to life with her fiery energy.

Ben in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18): Ben

Ben is a world-changer...or at least a cinematic world-changer from what we can see. This creative sees the bigger picture, fighting for Amanda's ultimate vision with each trailer they make together. His storytelling ability is honestly really impressive, allowing him to take a story that already exists and condense it down into a digestible clip that draws people in with every second it plays. If that's not Aquarius, I don't know what is. Your unique visions are what make this world so colorful, Aquarius, and I just know this nature isn't just relegated to Ben's professional life.

Sophie & Olivia in 'The Holiday'

Sony Pictures

Pisces (February 19 – March 20): Sophie & Olivia

These girls have their heads in the clouds...or at least the stars! All jokes aside, these whimsical, eclectic sisters are totally Pisces material. They use their rich imaginations to paint a perfect world for themselves, even after the tragic passing of their mother. Instead of wallowing in the sadness, they wonder and marvel at the man that they have for a father (and if Jude Law was my daddy, I would too — let's be real 😅). Their ability to overcome and create something beautiful is incredibly Pisces — and something we should all strive for.

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