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The Wait Is Over: You Can Download iOS 10 Beta Now

Good things come to those who don’t wait. Or at least that’s our new mantra. For those who have been following the cool new features coming out on iOS 10 and chomping at the bit: Rejoice! The system is now available for public beta testing, meaning that you — yes, YOU — can finally see for yourself what everybody else will experience in the fall.
That means that you can start testing the AMAZING new iOS features we’ve only drooled over, like the super cool new messaging features (Stickers! Text size changes! Invisible ink!) and enhanced Siri commands. The lock screen is completely revamped, and so are Apple Music and News.
It’s super easy to sign up. Head over to Apple’s beta testing page and add your Apple ID. Then Apple will email you a link with the test. However, if you choose to download the new iOS, remember that it is still just in beta. There will be bugs and there will be changes, so don’t get too attached to a specific feature — nothing is final!
Are you testing out iOS 10? Let us know what you think @BritandCo!
(h/t Mashable)