This Robot Will Fold Your Laundry in Less Than 1 Minute
If you haven’t gotten around to that desperately needed laundry room makeover, or if you’re not in New York and can’t yet benefit from the Netflix of laundry, then perhaps going a little Jetsons’ style and adding a laundry-folding robot into your wardrobe-managing routine might be the best move. Yes, that’s right — the future is now! At least, it is for those of us who hate folding laundry and decide to nab ourselves a FoldiMate.
“Your Laundry Folding Friend” wants to be the next in line in your laundering process. Washer > Dryer > FoldiMate. It’s super easy to use — all you have to do is clip up your clothes onto the outer section, and that’s it. The “robot” will then fold your clothes and de-wrinkle them with steam as well as perfume, soften and sanitize each item, all in under one minute. Zip, zap, zoom! When it’s all done, you’ll be alerted that the tray is full and your wardrobe is ready to be popped into a drawer. Easy peasy!
In the range of $700 to $850, it’s not cheap, but it is roughly in line with what washers and dryers cost, so it makes sense if you consider this another addition to your whole laundry process.
If you want more info on how to get your own laundry-folding robot (pre-orders will be accepted in 2017, with the robots being unleashed upon the world in 2018), you can register for deets from the fine folks at FoldiMate and check out the vid below to see how it all works.
Would you love a laundry-folding robot? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(h/t Bored Panda, photos via FoldiMate)