It’s not as nice as it first looks.
This Taylor Swift Street Art Just Proclaimed the End of Tay’s Career

The “Famous” drama between Taylor Swift and Kim & Kanye has been taking a pretty predictable route (that is, when it comes to celebs). He-said/she-said, video leaks and legal action are all par for the course in sticky situations like this one. But now things are taking some weirdly unexpected turns as folks around the world react to this super-fueled superstar feud. After being the target of Wikipedia hackers in a twist that only modern foes could devise, Taylor is now the subject of some pretty brutal street art.
Popping up in Melbourne, Australia’s Hosier Lane, at first the mural seems like a lovely likeness of the “Bad Blood” singer.
But when you take a closer look — as many people did, of course — you can spy that the mural isn’t so complimentary after all. Why’s that? Well, it’s a memorial. Of sorts.
With “In loving memory of… Taylor Smith 1989-2016,” the piece is not only addressing the current drama that Tay’s embroiled in; it’s in fact declaring the end of her career. Ouch!
The original piece was created by artist Lushsux, but it didn’t take long for the work to be totally defaced. Weirdly and strangely defaced, to boot. Erasing Tay’s own look and adding a cartoony visage, the new image is more than a little creepy. Also changing Taylor’s name to “Harambe” (the gorilla recently killed at a zoo after a child fell into the enclosure), it’s hard to tell if this addition is saying anything specific, or is just plain freaky for freaky’s sake.
Do you think this drama will harm (or even end) Taylor’s career like the street art suggests? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(Photos via Robert Cianflone, Mark Davis, Jason Merritt/Getty)