You don’t need to break the bank.
9 Ways to Convert a First Date into an Even Better Second One

As if there’s not enough stress associated with a first date, from coming up with a first date idea that isn’t mega awkward to choosing a first date outfit, going out with someone for the second time can be just as tricky. Sometimes you think you and your new crush had an amazing time together, but then they never commit to seeing you again. So confusing. The experts at dating appCoffee Meets Bagel (CMB) feel your pain. Using feedback from 6,000 of their single users and 1,000 happy couples who found each other on CMB, these dating pros have compiled a list of helpful first date tips that’ll have your new crush texting to set up date number two in no time.
1. Get to know each other for at least one week before the first date. Don’t be tempted to start planning an amazing date the minute you “like” each other on a dating app. Compared to current singles, happy couples were twice as likely to wait at least seven days to meet, according to CMB’s stats. Follow their lead and do plenty of chatting before you clear your calendar for a first date.
2. Don’t wait for the weekend. CMB users who successfully coupled up were more likely to schedule their first date on a weeknight, while singles preferred to plan for weekends exclusively. Only being willing to meet on Fridays and Saturdays seems more like you’re looking for a hookup than love.
3. Have dinner on the first date. For happy couples, going out to dinner was the most popular choice for a first date, while singles were more likely to name coffee or drinks as their ideal activity. Sipping a cocktail or checking out a cozy cafe are great date activities down the road, but if you’re meeting a potential love interest for the first time, you’re better off with good conversation over a delicious meal.
4. Let a man plan. Men who believed that they should take initiative for planning a first date were more likely to be in relationships than men who preferred to make the plans with the help of the other person. So, even if you send the first message, it could be worth subscribing to stereotypical gender roles (we know, we know) here and just letting the guy come up with a great date idea.
5. It’s old school, but… let him pay too. 80 percent of the couples in CMB’s study said that the man picked up the tab on their first date. It’s cool to offer to go Dutch, but according to the stats, it’s a good sign if he turns down your offer.
6. Don’t break the bank. There’s no reason to stretch your wallet just to impress your date. Almost three-quarters of couples said they spent less than $50 the first time they went out together. Some creative planning will save you from busting your budget.
7. Play hard to get with the first kiss. Just 29 percent of couples admitted to kissing on the first date. Of the single CMB users who hadn’t gotten a second date, nearly half had puckered up on night one.
8. Start talking or texting right away. You know that game you like to play where you wait and see if your date reaches out to you first? If you had a great time, stop playing games and drop them a text immediately! Successful couples were more likely to jump right into a conversation post-date, while singles tended to engage in this follow-up communication less.
9. Make plans for another date on your first date. If the first one went well, don’t wait around to get another date on the calendar. 75 percent of CMB couples said they planned their second date either during their first date or the day after. At the end of date one, tell your date you had a great time and would like to see them again. Then let them take it from there. Whatever their response, you won’t have to wait a week to find out how they feel.
Do you have other tips for getting a second date? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(Photos via Getty)