Break the cycle.
6 Tips for Taming Your Toddler’s No Addiction

Your toddler’s talking. Yay! But lately, she’s all about repeating her new favorite word: “No!” You’re at a friend’s house, you’re at Grandma’s, you’re dining out, you’re trying to pry your tablet from her freakishly strong toddler hands, and all you’re hearing is “no, no, no, no!” Before you start throwing a tantrum of your own, check out these simple strategies for dealing with your little naysayer.
1. Swap words. Sometimes the “no” train has left the station simply because it’s one of the few words your toddler has mastered. “No” is a totally simple word to say — and your tot is all for showing off her mad speaking skills. That’s okay. You want her to talk. But now you need to switch things up a bit. Give her a new, ultra-easy word to replace “no.” Go, toe, doe or anything else that she can quickly master might end up fixing the “no” situation.