Today’s Trending Google Search Is Depressing AF
Here at home, we’re well into a crazy election year. With politicians on TV 24/7, and some hotly contested issues, you’d think we’d be uninterested in anything international that wasn’t the breakup of Tay and Calvin Harris. We’re thinking that maybe we should be paying closer attention to what’s happening around the world, as it’ll give us some better insight into what we should and shouldn’t be doing before we head to the ballot box. And if what’s happening in the UK right now is any indication, our friends across the pond should also have been paying closer attention before yesterday’s referendum, instead of only worrying about Will and Kate‘s next moves.
If you’re not sure what the #BREXIT is, it was a referendum vote held yesterday in the UK on whether the country should leave the European Union (EU). The vote was complicated both at home and internationally. As per usual, the Brits came up with a cute name (the British Exit or Brexit), but that masked a more serious issue at hand. After all the votes were tallied, an ever so slight majority voted to leave the EU, which could spell disaster for not only Britain, but also the EU and the international stage. But the biggest disaster of all is Google’s reporting that the day after the vote, people are researching what they actually voted for in record numbers.
According to the Google Trends Twitter account, the question, “What happens if we leave the EU” spiked at 250 percent more asks after the vote than before. While the world is shocked and worried by what the results mean, we should use this to our advantage and do our research before heading to the polls in November so that we actually know what (and who) we’re truly voting for before it all is said and done.
Do you research before hitting the voting booth? Tell us your strategy @Britandco!
(Photo via Getty)