Summer, we’re coming for ya.
5 Top Tips for Getting Toned for the Summer
Summer is almost here! The season officially kicks off in just nine weeks. Who else is ready for some sun-kissed skin, bikinis, and lounging by the beach with a glass of rosé in hand? We definitely are!! With the weather heating up, we’re dreaming about all those summer vibes. Today, we’re sharing our top five tips to help you feel toned, strong, and confident to strut your stuff this summer!
1. Join the Bikini Series. Every spring, Karena and I put together a fitness and lifestyle challenge called the Bikini Series to help women all across the world achieve their fitness goals and feel toned, strong, and confident for summer. The Bikini Series is eight weeks of workouts, nutrition advice, recipes, and tips, and for the first time this year, LIVE workouts on Instagram! Joining the challenge is totally free! Just sign up HERE, and you’ll receive your Free Starter Pack with all the deets you need to get started. It’s seriously the perfect tool to jumpstart your goals and get into the best shape of your life. We’re all starting together on April 24!
2. Be consistent. Consistency is key to achieving major results. Every day, do something that aligns with your dreams. We always suggest to get moving first thing in the morning, even if it’s just a short 20-minute walk around your neighborhood with your coffee. Consistently working toward your goal will get you closer every day. If you’re not sure how to plan your daily workouts, we have an easy tool to help with that! Every day on, we have our Daily Workout with routines to sculpt and tone your body from head to toe. You can break up this workout however you like depending on your schedule, or sub in your favorite workout class. We like to plan out all our workouts for the week on Sunday. If you make a promise to yourself, you will keep it and stay consistent!
3. Start a fitness Instagram account. Nothing is more motivating than having a community of girlfriends who have your back! When you’re not feeling your most confident or you need a little extra motivation for your workout, these women give you the support and inspiration you need. We started Tone It Up with the idea that women lift each other up, and we wanted to create a community that reflects that. Follow us @ToneItUp and scroll through the #TIUteam hashtag to meet hundreds of thousands of incredible ladies who are all on their own journey as well. You can also create your own TIU handle dedicated to your fitness and health journey. Just go to the top right corner on Instagram and choose “add account.” You’ll be able to bounce between your two accounts!
4. Up your water intake. We can’t stress this enough! Water is so important for keeping your skin hydrated, your muscles active, and your energy levels up. It also will take the place of less healthy options like sugary drinks or soda. Not really a water fan? Try spicing it up by adding your favorite flavors like ginger, lemon, or berries. You can also opt for sparkling water!
5. Combine fitness and girl time. Everything is more fun with your girlfriends! Call up your friends for a hike on the weekend or go for a bike ride with your gal pals to a cool new coffee shop you’ve been wanting to try out. These little activities add up to some serious toning! Plus, you get to hang out with your best friends while you’re at it.
Want to take your fitness results to the next level?! Sign up for the Bikini Series!! We’re all starting together April 24. Sign up HERE for eight weeks filled with new workouts, incredible recipes, and major toning.
How are you toning up for summer? Share with us @BritandCo and @ToneItUp!
(Photos via Tone It Up)