Seriously, how many times have you said “I want to go to there”?!
The Best TV Catchphrases of All Time… All in One Epic Video

From Jan Brady’s “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” to Liz Lemon’s “I want to go to there.” to Joey Tribbiani’s “How you doin’?” TV catchphrases are a big part of our common language. Seriously, how many times have you “D’oh!”-ed in your day? We bet once or twice. And Michelle Tanner‘s famous one-liner is a common GChat affirmation around here…
Watch this supercut of some of the top TV catchphrases of all time thanks to the folks at Tastefully Offensive. Warning: It’s going to make you want to go back and catch up on some of your Nick at Nite faves (“Nanu nanu!”) and pour a bowl of Fruity Pebbles for some Saturday AM cartoon binge-watching (“Zoinks!”).
Pop pop! What’s your favorite TV catchphrase to drop IRL? Do your friends make fun of you (they probably should ;) Share below!