Grab the scissors: your favorite TV characters now come in paper doll form.
Made Us Look: Your Favorite TV Characters as Paper Dolls

Paper dolls will forever hold a special place in our hearts. The classic art project is so easy to make, and the entertainment is endless. Since our pre-tech crazed youth, the creative pastime has definitely taken a turn for the digital. Nowadays, paper dolls come in 3D, and of course are mostly pieced together online (which kind of cancels out the paper aspect, womp womp). Of course, we’re totally for new technology, but we can’t say were not a little sad to see our paper pals be swept under the rug. So you can imagine our delight when we found out that pop culture blog Vulture has revived the old craft — and with a modern twist.
Artist Kyle Hilton has created sets of paper dolls out of the characters we hold near and dear to our pop culture-loving hearts. Dr. Mindy Lahiri, Hannah Horvath and Olivia Pope are just a few of the dolls featured. You can also get your hands on the men of Girls and the ladies of Downton Abbey.
Each paper doll comes with multiple outfits and accessories. We particularly love Sybil Crawley’s Rosie the Riveter poster and Jessica Day’s Elvis wig. These clever creations aren’t just some online gimmick either — you can actually print them out!
TV stars don’t get all the glory though: the most recent doll released was a paper version of Robyn, the too-cool-for-school pop sensation *we’ve* danced our butts of to during many a happy hour.
So what’s the point of all this? Well, isn’t it obvious? This means we can finally set up a lunch date with a footsie pajama-wearing Hannah Horvath and Downton‘s Lady Mary. Oh, this is going to be good.
Which paper doll is your favorite? Print one out and show us what combination you come up with!