The Internet is sooooo unimpressed.
Twitter’s Reaction to Ryan Lochte’s Lies Is EVERYTHING

By now, you can’t escape the Ryan Lochte drama. While we first weren’t sure what was even going on with his stories, we soon found out that Lochte and crew made up the entire robbery story to cover up for some really bad behavior at the Rio Olympics. Now, the Internet is (rightfully) tearing Lochte and his teammates apart… and it is everything.
Paleontologists in MT unearth T-Rex w/ a nearly complete 4-ft skull.
The bones contained more brain matter than Ryan Lochte.@absrdNEWS— Doug Ankerman (@myoddsock) August 19, 2016
Ryan Lochte did something stupid for attention? Never woulda guessed
— Ian Elliott (@_ianelliott5) August 18, 2016
Others have been mashing up the Lochte with well-known memes for savage results:
@politiCOHEN_ I saw this in @N2KOfficial this morning! so funny
— Andie Lowenstein (@AndieLow) August 19, 2016
Brazilian Police: "And you made the whole story up, didn't you?"
— Chief (@BarstoolChief) August 18, 2016
When Ryan Lochte escapes Brazil but the rest of the swim team is stranded with seized passports
— chaps (@UncleChaps) August 18, 2016
Live look in at Lochte & his buddies at the airport earlier ✌🏻️
— Brooke Schrider (@brookeschrider) August 18, 2016
Ryan Lochte leaving Brazil like
— Michael (@manecci) August 18, 2016
There are also loads of people rightfully pointing out that Lochte’s generally gentle treatment by the media (especially compared to, for example, Gabby Douglas getting scolded for forgetting to put her hand on her heart during the national anthem) can be boiled down to, you guessed it, white male privilege.
Insulting how Gabby Douglas(20) was being told she needs to fix her attitude in Rio, but #LochteGate and crew are all "kids" who got rowdy.🙄
— Lea (@_MissLeandra) August 18, 2016
#RyanLochte didn't just trash a toilet, he trashed an entire country
and then played his white US privilege card.— Phil (@PhiIIip_Thomas) August 18, 2016
News outlets:
Stop calling white people over 18 "kids",
and to stop referring to people of color under 18 as adults. #LochteGate— Karen Mulholland (@kemulholland) August 18, 2016
Celebs also had a lot to say — including Chrissy Teigen, who is totally over it.
Stupid as shit gas station international incident, nope. Don't care.
— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) August 18, 2016
We can’t wait to finally hear from Lochte and learn what exactly he thought he was doing making up such an awful story.
What’s your favorite Ryan Lochte meme? Tweet it @BritandCo!
(Photo via Harry How/Getty)