Kathy Entwistle
This Week’s Stories
Kathy Entwistle
Once a stay-at-home mom who taught financial classes to women in her spare time, Kathy Entwistle has spent the last 25-plus years forging a path for herself as one of Forbes' "Top Women Wealth Advisors." Kathy doesn't just guide some of the wealthiest executives and families in the world; she's also a self-proclaimed "financial feminist" who believes financial guidance should be more widely available to everyone. In an effort to democratize access to wealth management and help individuals retain their power, Entwistle created The Money Date Box. Money is just a tool to help you reach your goals, and The Money Date Box is where you start to take ownership of your financial future. Kathy Entwistle was also recently named Modern Money Expert You Need to Follow by Martha Stewart.