Let’s be real: Plus-ones are the magical unicorns of wedding invites.
Wedding Etiquette: The Dos + Don’ts of Bringing a Plus-One

While celebrating the eternal love of your close friends and family is wonderful, wedding season can also bring some stress over the elusive plus-one — will you get one or won’t you? The magical unicorn of wedding invites, it’s coveted by everyone from single ladies to coupled-up romantics. For those times when your invite comes addressed with a “+ Guest,” we’re sharing a few guidelines so you can use your extra invite respectfully.
Wedding Plus-One Don’ts
1. Substitute a Different Guest for a Plus-One: If you were in a long-term relationship when the invitation was sent and your ex-S.O.’s name is written on it, don’t just sub someone else in. Call the bride and groom and let them know you are no longer dating — and assume that you won’t be extended another plus-one. Instead, take a cue from Queen Bey and hit the wedding like a proud single lady.
2. Feel Obligated to Bring a Date: Don’t bring a guest just for the sake of bringing one. Etiquette tells us that you shouldn’t use a plus-one unless it’s for a significant other, but if you’re really looking to bring a guest, make a wise decision: Pick someone you know well, and who can be polite and respectful throughout the ceremony and subsequent festivities.
3. Upstage the Bride and Groom: Attending a wedding with your significant other might intensify those lovey-dovey feelings, but it’s *not* the time to act on them. Popping the question, announcing that you’re expecting, or sharing other big, life-changing news are all big no-nos on someone else’s big day. Your news will be even more exciting a few days later, when people feel comfortable celebrating you.
Wedding Plus-One Do’s
1. Keep Relationship Status in Mind: Plus-ones are often only given to guests who have a long-term, committed partner or guests who likely won’t know a single soul. Stay realistic before the invite appears in the mailbox to avoid disappointment, and if you don’t receive a plus-one, do not ask the bride and groom to bring a guest. Accept your invitation for what it is and move on.
2. Scope Out Who Else Is Invited: Ask around and see who you might know on the guest list, especially if you’re still debating whether or not you should cash in your plus-one. While the idea of a romantic night may sound divine, going stag and meeting up with a group of friends or creating a “friend date” with an already-invited guest might prove to be a lot more fun.
3. Enjoy Yourself: Remember: Whether or not you’re there with a significant other won’t make or break the time you spend with people you love.
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(Photos via Getty)