Things are heating up for these 4 signs...
Your Weekly Horoscope For March 23-30 Is In — & It's "Potent" For These 4 Signs!

Your weekly horoscope encourages a journey inward this week. As Mercury and Venus both move retrograde through the watery sign of Pisces, the cosmos invites you to spend time in quiet reflection. Allow music to be your guide as you explore your emotional landscape and connect with the spiritual side of life. This is a powerful time to tap into the energy of universal love and gain profound understanding. While the potential for delusion exists, focusing on introspection can lead to valuable wisdom and compassion that will resurface when these planets turn direct.
Scroll to see your zodiac sign's weekly horoscope for March 23-30, 2025!
The Sun in Aries brings movement and action. Use this fiery energy to motivate and propel yourself forward. It is a good time to start a new project or incorporate a new element into your life that brings light-heartedness and joy. Take advantage of the longer days and focus on making efficient progress toward a new venture. Make room for play and rest.
On March 29th, we have a New Moon and a partial lunar eclipse in Aries. Let’s remember that Aries embodies both the god of war and the exuberance of spring. During the New Moon, go inward and let the dark sky inspire you to emulate the energy of spring as you plant your seeds of intention. Let the potent double Aries energy of the Sun and Moon work synergistically to infuse creativity and act as a catalyst for growth on all levels.
Over the next couple of months, major shifts will occur with the outer, so-called generational planets. Neptune has spent the last 14 years in its ruling sign of Pisces. What have you been dreaming about during these years? Have you been drawn to the mystical side of life? Have you been able to break generational patterns related to substance abuse or escapism? Your awareness of these issues can help you move away from the less helpful aspects of Pisces and toward the inspirational. On March 30, Neptune begins its forward movement into Aries. Then, on October 22, 2025, Neptune makes one last retrograde into Pisces before settling back into Aries on January 26, 2026, for the next 13 years. This energy allows us to remember the lessons of the past 14 years, incorporate the wisdom gained, and move forward to act on our dreams and inspirations. This phase is an integration of our higher and lower selves.
For a deeper and more personalized look at how these and other transits affect you, visit for a reading.
Brit + Co
Read Your Sun and Rising Sign for the Weekly Horoscope
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Do you hide parts of yourself and let your insecurities prevent you from fully embracing life? This week is a great time to overcome this tendency. Try to honestly see where you are holding back from your true potential and then ask yourself why. What conditioning created the potency of self-sabotage? How can you break the pattern? This kind of inner exploration might be difficult to undertake without assistance from a guide or counselor. The planetary movements are ripe for resolving blockages. Put in the work, and the rewards will be monumental.
Brit + Co
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
You might experience a surge of energy this week. It is important to balance assertive, direct, and clear communication with sensitivity to how others perceive your words. Evaluate your approach and adjust your communication style accordingly, whether at work or home. Express yourself with self-awareness and pure intentions. Calm any anxiety that arises by meditating, gathering your thoughts in quiet contemplation, and walking in nature.
Brit + Co
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Look for opportunities to become more self-aware. Be mindful of rigid and limiting opinions you may hold. You might be extra sensitive and defensive about these opinions, willing to argue to make a point. Instead of approaching situations combatively, step back and look at the bigger picture. Consider how you might learn from opening your mind to a more unique perspective. Question your assumptions and remain curious.
Brit + Co
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Tap into the heightened vitality available to you this week. Use your determination to break through and explore uncharted experiences that lead to growth and empowerment. Advocate for yourself and step forward boldly but stay sensitive to and aware of others’ emotions and experiences. You will be able to focus intently and direct your energies toward accomplishing something that once seemed unattainable.
Brit + Co
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Identify old behavior patterns that interfere with your desire to express yourself authentically. Awareness of these patterns is the first step toward breaking free from limiting beliefs. You can use this energy to alter outdated behaviors and will look back at this time as pivotal in your life. Align yourself with a deeper purpose, growing both as an individual and as part of the collective experience. Take time to be alone, immersed in what inspires and calms your soul.
Brit + Co
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Reflect on your life goals. Are they still important, or do they need adjustment to better reflect your current reality? Are your goals more likely to be realized through collaboration? Be open to the synergy of group dynamics. You have undoubtedly been a catalyst and an inspiring leader. Keep your ego in check as you strive for balance between your energy and the collective process. There may be unconventional ways to move your project forward.
Brit + Co
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Your inner drive for personal growth is strong and potent. Does your work nourish your spirit and provide opportunities for advancement? Address any issues that may be impeding your evolution. Direct your energy toward resolving these issues peacefully. If conflicts with authority figures arise, take time to consider your role in the equation. Honestly evaluate your behavior and make adjustments that benefit everyone involved.
Brit + Co
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Do you have an outlet for your passions? Your urge for creativity needs expression, and your ideas can expand beyond perceived boundaries. Open yourself to learning something new or experiencing life in a different way. Develop a new routine to sustain your health and energy while breaking free from outdated patterns. You can expand your consciousness and grow by moving beyond self-limiting beliefs. Take advantage of opportunities to creatively express your passions.
Brit + Co
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Courageously face any issues that arise with loved ones. Recognize that disagreements may have deeper roots than they initially appear. Refrain from reacting impulsively and instead reflect on the underlying emotions. Set aside time for honest and open communication. Listen more than you speak to fully understand others' viewpoints. A profound period of growth is before you. Stay grounded, steady, and open to transformation.
Brit + Co
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
Personal growth within your relationships is possible. This requires self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-assertion. Stand firm in your beliefs but remain willing to compromise and learn from the effort to meet in the middle. Reciprocity and fairness are key in any interaction. Strive for better understanding through deep and transformative conversations. Look for ways to cooperate and collaborate on a project.
Brit + Co
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
This is a good time to channel your abundant energy and make real progress on any project. Use this time to break free from anything blocking your path. Prioritize your health and well-being by focusing on balanced eating, sleeping, and exercise. Develop new routines for stability and success, ensuring they become long-term habits.
Brit + Co
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Infuse creativity and playfulness into your daily activities. Can you turn chores into a game? Are there ways to enhance creativity by incorporating color or music into your routine? Find ways to express yourself authentically and embrace lighthearted exuberance. The goal is to play and allow your inner child to shine through fun and joyful activities.
For more insights on how these and other planetary transit impact you, visit for a personalized reading.
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