Get your om on in 2017.
Here Are 5 Wellness Trends Set to Slay 2017

In 2016, we fell in love with adult coloring books (thank you, Johanna Basford!), infrared saunas and floral essences as new ways to rock the recent personal wellness trend. Even the word “wellness” became super hot in 2016 — we couldn’t be happier that taking care of yourself is now cool. With this year wrapping up at warp speed, we’re looking toward 2017 and wondering what wellness trends we can expect to obsess over in the new year. We spoke with LEAFtv founder and badass wellness expert Geri Hirsch to get her predictions for the popular personal wellness trends of 2017. Namaste.
1. Meditation Deep Dives: Geri namechecks Headspace as one of her favorite beginner meditation apps and feels like the anxiety-reducing practice is only going to pick up more fans heading into the new year. She also says she “took a week-long course on transcendental meditation (TM) in 2016 and fell in love. I now practice regularly and have no plans of stopping.” The mantra-based meditation practice involves sitting quietly for 20 minutes twice a day, focusing inward until you reach “pure consciousness.” There are certified TM instructors in most cities to get your own personal TM training sesh, if you’re looking to amp up your meditation game in the new year.
2. Clean Eating: Ladies, step away from the bone broth and juice bar! “I think cleanses are going out the window, and instead, clean eating year round is taking its place,” Geri says. We are so on board with this no-trend trend. Staying energized and happy means making mindful eating choices every day — being totally miz during a juicing cleanse just to binge on burgers immediately afterward isn’t sustainable (or healthy!). Plus, by making clean eating more of a lifestyle choice, food becomes a less powerful force over your feelings. Though we’ll never say no to a slice of apple pie.
3. Abhyanga Massage: Geri says she’s a “big fan of this form of self-massage using oils,” and recommends it for personal wellness beginners since it’s so easy to practice. This ancient Ayurvedic massage technique is meant to be a 20-minute part of your daily morning routine (how luxurious!). By focusing light pressure on certain parts of your body with organic oils, you release toxins, increase circulation, rejuvenate your energy, calm your mind and make your skin uber soft, obvi.
4. Sensory Deprivation Flotation: Oh yeah, it looks like we’re ahead of the trends, as Geri names flotation therapy as one wellness practice to watch in 2017. By spending an hour floating naked in an Epsom salt bath, enclosed in a dark pod that cuts out any light or noise, you’re able to simultaneously let go of mental anxiety and ease muscle and joint pain.
5. Turmeric and Collagen in Everything!: From hot teas to beauty products, pills to powders, both turmeric and collagen are set to have a major moment in 2017, Geri says. With its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric can clear up your skin, provide relief from menstrual cramps and has even been shown to fight off depression. Protein-rich collagen keeps your skin super hydrated, your energy levels high and your hormones in balance.
Which personal wellness trend are you most looking forward to trying in 2017? Tweet us @BritandCo and let us know!
(Photos via Getty)