Wes Anderson opens a Wes Anderson-themed bar in Milan. It is beautiful.
This Is What Happens When Wes Anderson Opens a Themed Cafe

If you, like us, have always wanted to immerse yourself in the colorful world of a Wes Anderson flick, you’re in luck. Last week saw the opening of Anderson’s Bar Luce, an eccentric, art-deco cafe located in Milan’s newly minted Fondazione Prada art complex. Fit for a royal Tenenbaum, Anderson’s bar cafe is a design enthusiast’s dream come true, with vintage formica tables, arched ceilings and ornate tiling, where you would no doubt want to spend your days sipping on cappuccinos, pretending you’re in an old-school Milanese café.
In true Anderson fashion, Bar Luce features overt references to his own work, including a Life Aquatic-themed pinball machine, a pastel retro jukebox fully stocked with classic 1950s Italian tunes, and Grand Budapest-pink tones right down to the sugar packets. “I tried to make it a bar I would want to spend my own non-fictional afternoons in,” Anderson told Wired, adding that he wanted to make it an inspiring place for creative types to work on their own theatrical endeavors. So for any aspiring screenwriters and Wes Anderson fans out there: You might want to book a flight to Italy.
Know of any other filmmakers who have created bars or cafes? Let us know in the comments below!
(Photos via Attilio Maranzano/Fondazione Prada, Elena Braghieri/Instagram, Neilson Barnard/Getty)