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We're all a little lunar, after all.

What is Your Moon Sign and What Does it Mean In Astrology?

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We at Brit + Co don't shy away from indulging in a little Sun sign astrology here and there. From the best places to travel to the colors you might love to wear, there are a lot of interesting ways to have fun and express yourself that can correlate with your Sun sign. But the Sun sign is just that: A fantastic significator of how you like to express yourself, ways you enjoy having fun, and the general theme of your identity throughout your life. The Sun is, however, just one aspect of your birth chart.

The Moon is another planetary body that you can look to for astrological information. While the Sun represents your identity, the Moon is indicative of your emotional life. That covers all manner of topics related to feelings, including your intuition, how you feel nourished and loved, and how you cope with your feels. It's essentially all kinds of mushy stuff.

You can find your moon sign by using a birth chart calculator, but just know: Since the Moon changes signs every couple of days, it's important to know the time of your birth so you can make sure you have an accurate Moon sign placement. Once you know your Moon sign, here's a brief overview of how that placement might play out in your life:


Photo via Caleb Frith/Unsplash

People with the Moon in Aries are passionate, hot-headed, and confrontational—especially about emotional issues. Though they tend to have quick tempers and can be prone to emotional outbursts, their moods often change quickly. They are highly impatient, and tend to view emotions as something that needs to be dealt with immediately. They may take things personally and tend to get defensive, especially if something is getting in the way of what their heart wants.


Those with the Moon in Taurus are ruled by their need for comfort, familiarity, and stability. They can be a little slow-moving, and often turn to food and other creature comforts to soothe their emotions. These people are prone to being homebodies (in the best sense of the word) and infuse their lives with comforting textures and delicious meals and snacks. Emotionally, they can be a little clingy and resistant to change, but when you're in their inner circle, you're there for life: They are loyal, steadfast, and unwavering.


Lunar Geminis LOVE to learn. And to talk. These folks are witty, charming, and easy to like. Their emotions, however, may shift with the wind, and they aren't known for having the strongest levels of commitment. Whatever strikes their fancy in the moment is likely to occupy their hearts and minds, and their desires tend to be easily changeable. This position of the Moon also makes these people prone to anxiety and worry, which can fuel their sometimes up-and-down emotional nature.


The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so people with the Moon in its home sign are usually extremely lunar people. Deeply emotional, caring, and sometime a little emo, these people want to nurture others and take a great deal of pride in watching things grow, whether they be kids, projects, or relationships. Struggles for Moon-in-Cancer folks include being highly nostalgic, romanticizing the past, being ruled by their emotions, and being unable to let things go.


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Those with the Moon in Leo find great emotional value in Leo-style subjects, like self-expression, pleasure-seeking, and being center stage. This placement can make people fantastic orators, actors, musicians, and performers in general — but on the downside, because the Moon is related to how we find emotional nourishment, if these people aren't in the spotlight, they may start to feel insecure or starved for attention. They may *want* to be a star, but sometimes they're too shy to get there. They take great pride in everything they do, and want to make sure everything is done RIGHT. When it is, it gives them a sense of security and accomplishment.


With the Moon in Virgo, people tend to be gifted healers, often deeply concerned about taking care of others and being of service. If they're not in a position where they can do this, their lunar tendencies may manifest as obsessive thinking, anxiety, and perfectionism. Lunar Virgos can benefit from learning to relax — they are the kind of people who take comfort in an organized home, absolutely HATE changing plans last-minute, and want things to be just so. Once they can learn to chill out a little, they can be extremely level-headed, easily able to provide healing and compassion to those around them.


To put it quite simply, these are people people. They are true friends and companions who love nothing more than spending quality time making and keeping connections with others. They often deeply appreciate art and beauty, especially the kind that tells an empowering message about human kind. Those with the Moon in Libra are gifted at making alliances and lasting relationships, but there are risks to this placement, too — namely, that the urge to accommodate others is incredibly strong. It's all too easy for Lunar Libras to allow others to make decisions, and they run the risk of being codependent in relationships. They also may put too much stock in others' opinions of them.


A standard life or romantic relationship just isn't deep enough for people with the Moon in Scorpio. These folks seek out true emotional intensity in everything they involve themselves with. For these people, the urge to merge is real, and they simply won't be emotionally satisfied with anything less than soulmate-level relationship connections. But that doesn't mean they're fully relationship-oriented; in fact, they probably won't bother with relationships until someone comes along who truly penetrates their mind. Until that happens, they'll seek emotional satisfaction from uncovering truths, whether that's digging ever-deeper into conspiracy theories or learning everything there is to know about occult topics.


Photo via Nathan Dumlao/Unsplash

The Moon in Sagittarius is a classic restless-heart placement. These people absolutely *cannot* be caged in. Sagittarius governs long-distance travel, philosophy, and truth-seeking, so topics like these are likely to be at the core of life satisfaction for a Lunar Sag. These people are likely to be deeply committed to personal growth and self-improvement, and may find that they constantly feel they are shooting for the stars. On the plus side, there's tremendous potential for these people to actually DO the emotional work required for manifestation and abundance. And no matter what situations their need for adventure gets them into, they're likely to take in in stride: These people have naturally cheerful and happy dispositions.


Putting in the hard work and watching the seeds they've planted grow is the key to a life of emotional fulfillment for these people. With the Moon in Capricorn, these people aren't easily swayed or led on; they tend to have a rather cautious and conservative nature, and take comfort in sticking to the rules and doing things by the book. Because they are so steadfast, they make for loyal and committed partners, and aren't easily scared away from the tough parts of relationships. One area they may want to work on is their tendency to overly value societally sanctioned rewards like money and status.


Humanitarians at their core, Lunar Aquarians have an almost psychological need to buck the system. They are keenly observant, quickly noticing discrepancies and inequalities, and constantly seeking to improve and revolutionize. Though Aquarius represents collective unity, it's also about rebellion, and people with the Moon in this sign tend to value their own uniqueness above all else. They have a true core belief that everyone is one-of-a-kind and also equally valuable, and they likely spend a lot of their emotional bandwidth fighting for these values, whether collectively or interpersonally. Because these values are so heady, they may come across as cold or detached to the people they meet.


Deeply intuitive and highly emotional, people with the Moon in Pisces benefit greatly from setting and enforcing boundaries. These folks have great capacity for topics related to the collective unconscious, including art, spirituality, and transcendence. However, their sensitivity also puts them at risk. They are highly empathic and may even have psychic abilities. In the real world, adding in some structure can help them focus and develop the tools they need to thrive emotionally.

Do you know your Moon sign? Tweet us @BritandCo and let us know if you resonate more with your Sun sign or your Moon sign!

Featured photo via Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash.



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