Encouraging words can make a HUGE difference.
This Is Why Women Make Better Managers Than Men

You’ve asked mentors for advice on how to be a better boss, learned how to be a crystal clear communicator at work, and read tips for first-time managers. Now that you’re in charge, you want to lead like a true boss. Here’s the thing: According to a Gallup report, you may already have what it takes to be a great manager. Women can boost employee engagement at a much higher rate than their male counterparts.
The report, based on 40 years of data, shows that 87 percent of professionals feel disengaged (AKA bored) at work. And that’s a big problem — since unhappy employees are more likely to walk right over to the competition. The bottom line: If you want to be a great boss, you need to engage your employees. Scroll on for three tips for doing just that.
1. Transparency: As a woman, you’re ahead of the game: The Gallup report shows that female managers cultivate an open-office environment much more than male managers. Employees, especially millennial employees, are curious (and rightly so!). They want to know why a particular client is so important, why a new deck needs to be created, and why you’re asking them to work late in order to do so. You need to give them answers. The more in-tune they are with the business, the better they’ll be at their job. If you can point out that their marketing research helped secure a multi-million dollar client, they’ll be more willing to go the extra mile in the future. Plus, they’ll also have a clearer picture of how to do the work you set out for them.
2. Positive Feedback: You don’t have to give your staff a gold star sticker (although that would be nice), but you should celebrate their success. There’s no quicker way for an employee to feel appreciated than to be recognized for their great work. The Gallup report says that female bosses provided feedback and checked in with their employees more than male managers. It also shows that “…female managers may be better than male managers at helping their employees harness the power of positive reinforcement.” Let’s be real: No one wants to feel like their work is going unnoticed. Make a point to write encouraging emails to your employees, highlight their accomplishments during company-wide meetings, or high-five them in the hallway so that other coworkers are aware of the great things they’ve been doing for the company. And if your manager isn’t taking notice, a humblebrag may help you (and your team) get on their radar.
3. Challenging the Team: Women are likely to push their employees and encourage them to go above and beyond. “Female managers likely surpass their male counterparts in cultivating the potential in others and helping to define a bright future for their employees,” the report says. It’s also quick to point out these female bosses are not freely doling out random promotions, but they’re making sure their employees have interesting work that challenges them and deepens their skillset. Take note, ladies.
How has your manager helped (or hurt) your career? Tweet us @BritandCo!
(Photo via Getty)