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Everything You Can and Can’t Eat on Whole30

By Justina HuddlestonAug 06, 2018
Justina Huddleston
Justina Huddleston is a food writer living in Los Angeles. When she's not busy writing, she spends her time in the kitchen creating both virtuous and decidedly junky vegan food. Buffalo chickpea pizza, anyone? She's also been known to eat a plain block of tofu or beans straight out of the can for lunch, but somehow those culinary adventures don't make it to her Instagram. You can follow Justina on Twitter or see what's cooking in her kitchen on her blog, A Life of Little Pleasures.
Say Yes To:
- animal fats (pastured-raised, grass-fed, and organic)
- clarified butter
- coconut oil
- extra-virgin olive oil
- ghee
Say No To:
- butter
- canola oil
- margarine
- vegetable oil
(Photo via Brittany Griffin / Brit + Co)
Say Yes To:
- avocado
- cashews
- coconut butter
- coconut meat
- canned coconut milk
- hazelnuts
- macadamia nuts
- macadamia butter
- olives
Eat Ocassionally:
- almonds
- almond butter
- Brazil nuts
- pecans
- pistachios
- flax seeds
- pine nuts
- pumpkin seeds
- sesame seeds
- sunflower seeds
- sunflower seed butter
- walnuts
- peanuts
- soy nuts
Say Yes To:
- beef
- buffalo
- chicken
- duck
- eggs
- elk
- grass-fed, organic bacon, sausage, and deli meat that doesn't contain added sugar, MSG, sulfites, or carageenan
- lamb
- pheasant
- pork
- quail
- rabbit
- seafood
- squab
- turkey
- venison
- wild boar
Say No To:
- beans/pulses
- factory-farmed processed meats (bacon, sausage, deli meat)
- soy products
- vegetarian or vegan "meat"
Say Yes To:
- clarified butter
- coconut milk (unsweetened)
- ghee
- homemade nut milks (unsweetened) in moderation
Say No To:
- everything else, including milk, butter, and cheese
Say Yes To:
- acorn squash
- arugula
- asparagus
- beets
- bell peppers
- bok choy
- broccoli/broccolini
- Brussels sprouts
- buttercup squash
- butternut squash
- cabbage
- carrots
- cauliflower
- collard greens
- delicata squash
- greens (beet, mustard, turnip)
- greens beans
- kale
- leeks
- lettuce
- onions
- rutabaga
- snow/sugar snap peas
- spinach
- summer squash
- sweet potato/yams
- Swiss chard
- tomatoes
- turnips
- watercress
- zucchini
Say No To:
- beans/pulses
- legumes (with an exception to green beans and snow/sugar snap peas)
Say Yes To:
- apricots
- blackberries
- blueberries
- cherries
- fruit juice in recipes or as a sweetener
- grapefruit
- kiwi
- melon
- plum
- raspberries
- strawberries
Say No To:
- dried fruit
- fruit juice as a beverage
Say Yes To:
- naturally sweet foods, like fruit, in moderation
Say No To:
- agave
- artificial sweeteners
- honey
- maple syrup
- molasses
- sugar
Say Yes To:
- chia seeds
- green beans
- snow peas
- sugar snap peas
Say No To:
- all grains like wheat and rice
- all pseudo-grains like millet
- quinoa
- most legumes
- soy
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